[py-svn] r65224 - in py/trunk: doc/test py py/execnet py/execnet/testing py/misc/testing py/test py/test/dist/testing py/test/plugin py/test/testing

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Mon May 11 19:31:55 CEST 2009

Author: hpk
Date: Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
New Revision: 65224

merging 9e880f747f29 (trunk) tip
- new funcarg generators
- small fixes and cleanups

Modified: py/trunk/doc/test/config.txt
--- py/trunk/doc/test/config.txt	(original)
+++ py/trunk/doc/test/config.txt	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -28,8 +28,10 @@
 ``py.test`` runs provide means to create per-test session
-temporary (sub) directories.  You can create such directories 
-like this:
+temporary (sub) directories through the config object.  
+You can create directories like this:
+.. XXX use a more local example, just with "config" 
 .. sourcecode: python

Modified: py/trunk/doc/test/funcargs.txt
--- py/trunk/doc/test/funcargs.txt	(original)
+++ py/trunk/doc/test/funcargs.txt	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -1,52 +1,76 @@
-**funcargs**: powerful and simple test setup
+**funcargs**: powerful test setup and parametrization
-In version 1.0 py.test introduces a new mechanism for setting up test
-state for use by Python test functions.  It is particularly useful 
-for functional and integration testing but also for unit testing.  
-Using funcargs you can easily:
-* write self-contained, simple to read and debug test functions 
-* cleanly encapsulate glue code between your app and your tests 
-* setup test state depending on command line options or environment
-Using the funcargs mechanism will increase readability 
-and allow for easier refactoring of your application
-and its test suites. 
+Since version 1.0 it is possible to provide arguments to test functions,
+often called "funcargs".  The funcarg mechanisms were developed with
+these goals in mind: 
+* **no boilerplate**: cleanly encapsulate test setup and fixtures
+* **flexibility**: easily setup test state depending on command line options or environment
+* **readability**: write simple to read and debug test functions 
+* **parametrizing tests**: run a test function multiple times with different parameters
 .. contents:: Contents:
     :depth: 2
-The basic funcarg request/provide mechanism 
+Basic mechanisms by example
-To use funcargs you only need to specify 
-a named argument for your test function:
+providing single function arguments as needed 
+Let's look at a simple example of using funcargs within a test module:
 .. sourcecode:: python
-    def test_function(myarg):
-        # use myarg  
+    def pytest_funcarg__myfuncarg(request):
+        return 42
+    def test_function(myfuncarg):
+        assert myfuncarg == 42
+1. To setup the running of the ``test_function()`` call, py.test 
+   looks up a provider for the ``myfuncarg`` argument. 
+   The provider method is recognized by its ``pytest_funcarg__`` prefix 
+   followed by the requested function argument name. 
+   The `request object`_ gives access to test context. 
-For each test function that requests this ``myarg``
-argument a matching so called funcarg provider 
-will be invoked.  A Funcarg provider for ``myarg``
-is written down liks this:
+2. A ``test_function(42)`` call is executed.  If the test fails
+   one can see the original provided value. 
+generating test runs with multiple function argument values 
+You can parametrize multiple runs of a test function by 
+providing multiple values for function arguments.  Here 
+is an example for running the same test function three times. 
 .. sourcecode:: python
-    def pytest_funcarg__myarg(self, request):
-        # return value for myarg here
+    def pytest_genfuncruns(runspec):
+        if "arg1" in runspec.funcargnames:
+            runspec.addfuncarg("arg1", 10)
+            runspec.addfuncarg("arg1", 20)
+            runspec.addfuncarg("arg1", 30)
+    def test_function(arg1): 
+        assert myfuncarg in (10, 20, 30)
+Here is what happens:
-Such a provider method can live on a test class,
-test module or on a local or global plugin. 
-The method is recognized by the ``pytest_funcarg__``
-prefix and is correlated to the argument
-name which follows this prefix.  The passed in
-``request`` object allows to interact 
-with test configuration, test collection
-and test running aspects.  
+1. The ``pytest_genfuncruns()`` hook will be called once for each test
+   function.  The if-statement makes sure that we only add function
+   arguments (and runs) for functions that need it.   The `runspec object`_ 
+   provides access to context information. 
+2. Subsequently the ``test_function()`` will be called three times 
+   with three different values for ``arg1``.  
+Funcarg rules and support objects
 .. _`request object`:
@@ -65,11 +89,13 @@
 ``request.function``: python function object requesting the argument
-``request.fspath``: filesystem path of containing module
+``request.cls``: class object where the test function is defined in or None. 
+``runspec.module``: module object where the test function is defined in. 
 ``request.config``: access to command line opts and general config
-finalizing after test function executed 
+cleanup after test function execution
 Request objects allow to **register a finalizer method** which is 
@@ -86,33 +112,8 @@
         request.addfinalizer(lambda: myfile.close())
         return myfile
-a unique temporary directory 
-request objects allow to create unique temporary 
-directories.  These directories will be created
-as subdirectories under the `per-testsession
-temporary directory`_.  Each request object 
-receives its own unique subdirectory whose
-basenames starts with the name of the function
-that triggered the funcarg request.  You
-can further work with the provided `py.path.local`_ 
-object to e.g. create subdirs or config files::
-    def pytest_funcarg__mysetup(self, request):
-        tmpdir = request.maketempdir()
-        tmpdir.mkdir("mysubdir")
-        tmpdir.join("config.ini").write("[default")
-        return tmpdir 
-Note that you do not need to perform finalization, 
-i.e. remove the temporary directory as this is
-part of the global management of the base temporary
-.. _`per-testsession temporary directory`: config.html#basetemp
-decorating/adding to existing funcargs 
+decorating other funcarg providers 
 If you want to **decorate a function argument** that is 
@@ -131,33 +132,73 @@
 for a use of this method. 
-.. _`funcarg lookup order`: 
-Order of funcarg provider lookup
+.. _`lookup order`: 
-For any funcarg argument request here is the
-lookup order for provider methods: 
+Order of provider and test generator lookup
-1. test class (if we are executing a method) 
-2. test module 
-3. local plugins
-4. global plugins 
+Both test generators as well as funcarg providers 
+are looked up in the following three scopes:
+1. test module 
+2. local plugins
+3. global plugins 
 Using multiple funcargs 
-A test function may receive more than one 
-function arguments.  For each of the 
-function arguments a lookup of a 
-matching provider will be performed. 
+Test functions can have multiple arguments
+which can either come from a test generator 
+or from a provider. 
+.. _`runspec object`:
+runspec objects
-Funcarg Tutorial Examples
+Runspecs help to inspect a testfunction and 
+to generate tests with combinations of function argument values. 
-tutorial example: the "test/app-specific" setup pattern 
+generating and combining funcargs 
+Calling ``runspec.addfuncarg(argname, value)`` will trigger 
+tests function calls with the given function 
+argument value.  For each already existing
+funcarg combination, the added funcarg value will
+* be merged to the existing funcarg combination if the
+  new argument name isn't part of the funcarg combination yet. 
+* otherwise generate a new test call where the existing 
+  funcarg combination is copied and updated
+  with the newly added funcarg value. 
+For simple usage, e.g. test functions with a single
+generated function argument, each call to ``addfuncarg``
+will just trigger a new call. 
+This scheme allows two sources to generate 
+function arguments independently from each other. 
+Attributes of runspec objects
+``runspec.funcargnames``: set of required function arguments for given function
+``runspec.function``: underlying python test function 
+``runspec.cls``: class object where the test function is defined in or None. 
+``runspec.module``: the module object where the test function is defined in. 
+``runspec.config``: access to command line opts and general config
+Useful Funcarg Tutorial Examples
+application specific test setup 
 Here is a basic useful step-wise example for handling application
@@ -202,7 +243,7 @@
             return MyApp()
 py.test finds the ``pytest_funcarg__mysetup`` method by
-name, see `funcarg lookup order`_ for more on this mechanism. 
+name, see also `lookup order`_.
 To run the example we put a pseudo MyApp object into ``myapp.py``:
@@ -265,29 +306,8 @@
             conn = mysetup.getsshconnection()
             # work with conn 
-Running this without the command line will yield this run result::
-    XXX fill in 
-Example: specifying funcargs in test modules or classes
-.. sourcecode:: python
-    def pytest_funcarg__mysetup(request):
-        result = request.call_next_provider()
-        result.extra = "..."
-        return result 
-You can put such a function into a test class like this:
-.. sourcecode:: python
-    class TestClass:
-        def pytest_funcarg__mysetup(self, request):
-            # ...
-            #
+Running this without specifying a command line option will result in a skipped
 .. _`accept example`: 
@@ -309,16 +329,12 @@
         def __init__(self, request):
             if not request.config.option.acceptance:
                 py.test.skip("specify -A to run acceptance tests")
-            self.tmpdir = request.config.maketempdir(request.argname)
-            self._old = self.tmpdir.chdir()
-            request.addfinalizer(self.finalize)
-        def run(self):
-            return py.process.cmdexec("echo hello")
-        def finalize(self):
-            self._old.chdir()
-            # cleanup any other resources
+            self.tmpdir = request.config.mktemp(request.function.__name__, numbered=True)
+        def run(self, cmd):
+            """ called by test code to execute an acceptance test. """ 
+            self.tmpdir.chdir() 
+            return py.process.cmdexec(cmd)
 and the actual test function example:
@@ -327,48 +343,116 @@
     def test_some_acceptance_aspect(accept):
-        result = accept.run()
-        assert result
+        result = accept.run("ls -la")
+        assert "somesub" in result
-That's it!  This test will get automatically skipped with
-an appropriate message if you just run ``py.test``:: 
-    ... OUTPUT of py.test on this example ... 
+If you run this test without specifying a command line option
+the test will get skipped with an appropriate message. Otherwise
+you can start to add convenience and test support methods 
+to your AcceptFuncarg and drive running of tools or
+applications and provide ways to do assertions about
+the output. 
 .. _`decorator example`: 
-example: decorating/extending a funcarg in a TestClass 
+example: decorating a funcarg in a test module
 For larger scale setups it's sometimes useful to decorare 
-a funcarg just for a particular test module or even 
-a particular test class.  We can extend the `accept example`_ 
-by putting this in our test class:
+a funcarg just for a particular test module.  We can 
+extend the `accept example`_ by putting this in our test class:
 .. sourcecode:: python
-    class TestSpecialAcceptance:
-        def pytest_funcarg__accept(self, request):
-            arg = request.call_next_provider()
-            # create a special layout in our tempdir
-            arg.tmpdir.mkdir("special")
-            return arg 
+    def pytest_funcarg__accept(self, request):
+        arg = request.call_next_provider()
+        # create a special layout in our tempdir
+        arg.tmpdir.mkdir("special")
+        return arg 
+    class TestSpecialAcceptance:
         def test_sometest(self, accept):
             assert accept.tmpdir.join("special").check()
-According to the `funcarg lookup order`_ our class-specific provider will
-be invoked first.  Here, we just ask our request object to 
-call the next provider and decorate its result.  This simple
+According to the the `lookup order`_ our module level provider 
+will be invoked first and it can ask ask its request object to 
+call the next provider and then decorate its result.  This 
 mechanism allows us to stay ignorant of how/where the 
 function argument is provided.  
-Note that we make use here of `py.path.local`_ objects
-that provide uniform access to the local filesystem. 
+sidenote: the temporary directory used here are instances of 
+the `py.path.local`_ class which provides many of the os.path 
+methods in a convenient way. 
 .. _`py.path.local`: ../path.html#local
+.. _`combine multiple funcarg values`:
+parametrize test functions by combining generated funcargs 
+Adding different funcargs will generate test calls with
+all combinations of added funcargs.  Consider this example:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+    def makearg1(runspec):
+        runspec.addfuncarg("arg1", 10)
+        runspec.addfuncarg("arg1", 11)
+    def makearg2(runspec):
+        runspec.addfuncarg("arg2", 20)
+        runspec.addfuncarg("arg2", 21)
+    def pytest_genfuncruns(runspec):
+        makearg1(runspec) 
+        makearg2(runspec) 
+    # the actual test function
+    def test_function(arg1, arg2):
+        assert arg1 in (10, 20) 
+        assert arg2 in (20, 30) 
+Running this test module will result in ``test_function`` 
+being called four times, in the following order::
+    test_function(10, 20)
+    test_function(10, 21)
+    test_function(11, 20)
+    test_function(11, 21)
+example: test functions with generated and provided funcargs 
+You can mix generated function arguments and normally 
+provided ones. Consider this module:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+    def pytest_genfuncruns(runspec):
+        if "arg1" in runspec.funcargnames: # test_function2 does not have it 
+            runspec.addfuncarg("arg1", 10)
+            runspec.addfuncarg("arg1", 20)
+    def pytest_funcarg__arg2(request):
+        return [10, 20]
+    def test_function(arg1, arg2):
+        assert arg1 in arg2 
+    def test_function2(arg2):
+        assert args2 == [10, 20]
+Running this test module will result in ``test_function`` 
+being called twice, with these arguments::
+    test_function(10, [10, 20])
+    test_function(20, [10, 20])
 Questions and Answers
@@ -377,14 +461,14 @@
 Why ``pytest_funcarg__*`` methods? 
-When experimenting with funcargs we also considered an explicit
-registration mechanism, i.e. calling a register method e.g. on the
-config object.  But lacking a good use case for this indirection and
-flexibility we decided to go for `Convention over Configuration`_ 
-and allow to directly specify the provider.  It has the 
-positive implication that you should be able to 
-"grep" for ``pytest_funcarg__MYARG`` and will find all
-providing sites (usually exactly one).  
+When experimenting with funcargs we also
+considered an explicit registration mechanism, i.e. calling a register
+method on the config object.  But lacking a good use case for this
+indirection and flexibility we decided to go for `Convention over
+Configuration`_ and allow to directly specify the provider.  It has the
+positive implication that you should be able to "grep" for
+``pytest_funcarg__MYARG`` and will find all providing sites (usually
+exactly one).  
 .. _`Convention over Configuration`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_over_Configuration

Modified: py/trunk/doc/test/test.txt
--- py/trunk/doc/test/test.txt	(original)
+++ py/trunk/doc/test/test.txt	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -11,14 +11,18 @@
 features_: a walk through basic features and usage. 
+funcargs_: powerful parametrized test function setup  
+`distributed testing`_: distribute test runs to other machines and platforms. 
 plugins_: using available plugins. 
 extend_: writing plugins and advanced configuration. 
-`distributed testing`_ how to distribute test runs to other machines and platforms. 
 .. _quickstart: quickstart.html
 .. _features: features.html
+.. _funcargs: funcargs.html
 .. _plugins: plugins.html
 .. _extend: ext.html
 .. _`distributed testing`: dist.html

Modified: py/trunk/py/_com.py
--- py/trunk/py/_com.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/_com.py	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -123,10 +123,14 @@
         return "<Hooks %r %r>" %(self._hookspecs, self._plugins)
 class HookCall:
-    def __init__(self, registry, name, firstresult):
+    def __init__(self, registry, name, firstresult, extralookup=None):
         self.registry = registry
         self.name = name 
         self.firstresult = firstresult 
+        self.extralookup = extralookup and [extralookup] or ()
+    def clone(self, extralookup):
+        return HookCall(self.registry, self.name, self.firstresult, extralookup)
     def __repr__(self):
         mode = self.firstresult and "firstresult" or "each"
@@ -136,7 +140,8 @@
         if args:
             raise TypeError("only keyword arguments allowed "
                             "for api call to %r" % self.name)
-        mc = MultiCall(self.registry.listattr(self.name), **kwargs)
+        attr = self.registry.listattr(self.name, extra=self.extralookup)
+        mc = MultiCall(attr, **kwargs)
         return mc.execute(firstresult=self.firstresult)
 comregistry = Registry()

Modified: py/trunk/py/execnet/gateway.py
--- py/trunk/py/execnet/gateway.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/execnet/gateway.py	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -167,7 +167,8 @@
             except IOError: 
                 self._trace('IOError on _stopsend()')
-            self._trace('leaving %r' % threading.currentThread())
+            if threading: # might be None during shutdown/finalization
+                self._trace('leaving %r' % threading.currentThread())
     from sys import exc_info
     def _send(self, msg):

Modified: py/trunk/py/execnet/testing/test_gwmanage.py
--- py/trunk/py/execnet/testing/test_gwmanage.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/execnet/testing/test_gwmanage.py	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
 class pytest_funcarg__mysetup:
     def __init__(self, request):
-        tmp = request.maketempdir()
+        tmp = request.config.mktemp(request.function.__name__, numbered=True)
         self.source = tmp.mkdir("source")
         self.dest = tmp.mkdir("dest")

Modified: py/trunk/py/misc/testing/test_com.py
--- py/trunk/py/misc/testing/test_com.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/misc/testing/test_com.py	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -190,3 +190,23 @@
         class Api: pass 
         mcm = Hooks(hookspecs=Api)
         assert mcm.registry == py._com.comregistry
+    def test_hooks_extra_plugins(self):
+        registry = Registry()
+        class Api:
+            def hello(self, arg):
+                pass
+        hook_hello = Hooks(hookspecs=Api, registry=registry).hello 
+        class Plugin:
+            def hello(self, arg):
+                return arg + 1
+        registry.register(Plugin())
+        class Plugin2:
+            def hello(self, arg):
+                return arg + 2
+        newhook = hook_hello.clone(extralookup=Plugin2())
+        l = newhook(arg=3)
+        assert l == [5, 4]
+        l2 = hook_hello(arg=3)
+        assert l2 == [4]

Modified: py/trunk/py/test/dist/testing/test_nodemanage.py
--- py/trunk/py/test/dist/testing/test_nodemanage.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/test/dist/testing/test_nodemanage.py	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
 class pytest_funcarg__mysetup:
     def __init__(self, request):
-        basetemp = request.maketempdir()
-        basetemp = basetemp.mkdir(request.function.__name__) 
+        basetemp = request.config.mktemp(
+            "mysetup:%s" % request.function.__name__, 
+            numbered=True)
         self.source = basetemp.mkdir("source")
         self.dest = basetemp.mkdir("dest")

Added: py/trunk/py/test/funcargs.py
--- (empty file)
+++ py/trunk/py/test/funcargs.py	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import py
+def getfuncargnames(function):
+    argnames = py.std.inspect.getargs(function.func_code)[0]
+    startindex = hasattr(function, 'im_self') and 1 or 0 
+    numdefaults = len(function.func_defaults or ()) 
+    if numdefaults:
+        return argnames[startindex:-numdefaults]
+    return argnames[startindex:]
+def fillfuncargs(function):
+    """ fill missing funcargs. """ 
+    if function._args:
+        # functions yielded from a generator: we don't want
+        # to support that because we want to go here anyway: 
+        # http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/issue/2/next-generation-generative-tests
+        pass
+    else:
+        # standard Python Test function/method case  
+        for argname in getfuncargnames(function.obj):
+            if argname not in function.funcargs:
+                request = FuncargRequest(pyfuncitem=function, argname=argname) 
+                try:
+                    function.funcargs[argname] = request.call_next_provider()
+                except request.Error:
+                    request._raiselookupfailed()
+class RunSpecs:
+    def __init__(self, function, config=None, cls=None, module=None):
+        self.config = config
+        self.module = module 
+        self.function = function
+        self.funcargnames = getfuncargnames(function)
+        self.cls = cls
+        self.module = module
+        self._combinations = []
+    def addfuncarg(self, argname, value):
+        if argname not in self.funcargnames:
+            raise ValueError("function %r has no funcarg %r" %(
+                    self.function, argname))
+        newcombi = []
+        if not self._combinations:
+            newcombi.append({argname:value})
+        else:
+            for combi in self._combinations:
+                if argname in combi:
+                    combi = combi.copy()
+                    newcombi.append(combi)
+                combi[argname] = value 
+        self._combinations.extend(newcombi)
+class FunctionCollector(py.test.collect.Collector):
+    def __init__(self, name, parent, combinations):
+        super(FunctionCollector, self).__init__(name, parent)
+        self.combinations = combinations
+        self.obj = getattr(self.parent.obj, name) 
+    def collect(self):
+        l = []
+        for i, funcargs in py.builtin.enumerate(self.combinations):
+            function = self.parent.Function(name="%s[%s]" %(self.name, i),
+                parent=self, funcargs=funcargs, callobj=self.obj)
+            l.append(function)
+        return l 
+class FuncargRequest:
+    _argprefix = "pytest_funcarg__"
+    class Error(LookupError):
+        """ error on performing funcarg request. """ 
+    def __init__(self, pyfuncitem, argname):
+        self._pyfuncitem = pyfuncitem
+        self.argname = argname 
+        self.function = pyfuncitem.obj
+        self.module = pyfuncitem.getmodulecollector().obj 
+        self.cls = getattr(self.function, 'im_class', None)
+        self.config = pyfuncitem.config
+        self.fspath = pyfuncitem.fspath
+        self._plugins = self.config.pluginmanager.getplugins()
+        self._plugins.append(pyfuncitem.getmodulecollector().obj)
+        self._provider = self.config.pluginmanager.listattr(
+            plugins=self._plugins, 
+            attrname=self._argprefix + str(argname)
+        )
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<FuncargRequest %r for %r>" %(self.argname, self._pyfuncitem)
+    def call_next_provider(self):
+        if not self._provider:
+            raise self.Error("no provider methods left")
+        next_provider = self._provider.pop()
+        return next_provider(request=self)
+    def addfinalizer(self, finalizer):
+        self._pyfuncitem.addfinalizer(finalizer)
+    def _raiselookupfailed(self):
+        available = []
+        for plugin in self._plugins:
+            for name in vars(plugin.__class__):
+                if name.startswith(self._argprefix):
+                    name = name[len(self._argprefix):]
+                    if name not in available:
+                        available.append(name) 
+        fspath, lineno, msg = self._pyfuncitem.metainfo()
+        line = "%s:%s" %(fspath, lineno)
+        msg = "funcargument %r not found for: %s" %(self.argname, line)
+        msg += "\n available funcargs: %s" %(", ".join(available),)
+        raise LookupError(msg)

Modified: py/trunk/py/test/plugin/api.py
--- py/trunk/py/test/plugin/api.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/test/plugin/api.py	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -53,13 +53,15 @@
         """ return custom item/collector for a python object in a module, or None.  """
     pytest_pycollect_obj.firstresult = True
+    def pytest_genfuncruns(self, runspec):
+        """ generate (multiple) parametrized calls to a test function."""
     def pytest_collectstart(self, collector):
         """ collector starts collecting. """
     def pytest_collectreport(self, rep):
         """ collector finished collecting. """
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     # runtest related hooks 
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Modified: py/trunk/py/test/plugin/pytest_recwarn.py
--- py/trunk/py/test/plugin/pytest_recwarn.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/test/plugin/pytest_recwarn.py	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-"recwarn" funcarg plugin that helps to assert 
-that warnings are shown to a user.  See the test
-at the bottom for an example. 
+provides "recwarn" funcarg for asserting warnings to be shown 
+to a user.  See the test at the bottom for an example. 
 import py

Modified: py/trunk/py/test/plugin/pytest_restdoc.py
--- py/trunk/py/test/plugin/pytest_restdoc.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/test/plugin/pytest_restdoc.py	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
         directives.register_directive('sourcecode', pygments_directive)
     def resolve_linkrole(self, name, text, check=True):
-        apigen_relpath = self.project.hookgen_relpath
+        apigen_relpath = self.project.apigen_relpath
         if name == 'api':
             if text == 'py':

Modified: py/trunk/py/test/plugin/pytest_terminal.py
--- py/trunk/py/test/plugin/pytest_terminal.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/test/plugin/pytest_terminal.py	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -207,9 +207,10 @@
             msg += " -- " + str(sys.executable)
-        rev = py.__pkg__.getrev()
-        self.write_line("using py lib: %s <rev %s>" % (
-                       py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath(), rev))
+        if self.config.option.debug or self.config.option.traceconfig:
+            rev = py.__pkg__.getrev()
+            self.write_line("using py lib: %s <rev %s>" % (
+                           py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath(), rev))
         if self.config.option.traceconfig:
             plugins = []
             for plugin in self.config.pluginmanager.comregistry:

Modified: py/trunk/py/test/plugin/pytest_tmpdir.py
--- py/trunk/py/test/plugin/pytest_tmpdir.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/test/plugin/pytest_tmpdir.py	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -27,9 +27,10 @@
 def test_funcarg(testdir):
+    from py.__.test.funcargs import FuncargRequest
     item = testdir.getitem("def test_func(tmpdir): pass")
     plugin = TmpdirPlugin()
-    p = plugin.pytest_funcarg__tmpdir(item.getrequest("tmpdir"))
+    p = plugin.pytest_funcarg__tmpdir(FuncargRequest(item, "tmpdir"))
     assert p.check()
     bn = p.basename.strip("0123456789-")
     assert bn.endswith("test_func")

Modified: py/trunk/py/test/pycollect.py
--- py/trunk/py/test/pycollect.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/test/pycollect.py	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 from py.__.test.collect import configproperty, warnoldcollect
 from py.__.code.source import findsource
 pydir = py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath()
+from py.__.test import funcargs
 class PyobjMixin(object):
     def obj(): 
@@ -37,6 +38,16 @@
     def _getobj(self):
         return getattr(self.parent.obj, self.name)
+    def getmodulecollector(self):
+        return self._getparent(Module)
+    def getclasscollector(self):
+        return self._getparent(Class)
+    def _getparent(self, cls):
+        current = self
+        while current and not isinstance(current, cls):
+            current = current.parent
+        return current 
     def getmodpath(self, stopatmodule=True, includemodule=False):
         """ return python path relative to the containing module. """
         chain = self.listchain()
@@ -150,10 +161,25 @@
             if res is not None:
                 return res 
             if obj.func_code.co_flags & 32: # generator function 
+                # XXX deprecation warning 
                 return self.Generator(name, parent=self)
-                return self.Function(name, parent=self)
+                return self._genfunctions(name, obj)
+    def _genfunctions(self, name, funcobj):
+        module = self.getmodulecollector().obj
+        # due to _buildname2items funcobj is the raw function, we need
+        # to work to get at the class 
+        clscol = self.getclasscollector()
+        cls = clscol and clscol.obj or None
+        runspec = funcargs.RunSpecs(funcobj, config=self.config, cls=cls, module=module)
+        gentesthook = self.config.hook.pytest_genfuncruns.clone(extralookup=module)
+        gentesthook(runspec=runspec)
+        if not runspec._combinations:
+            return self.Function(name, parent=self)
+        return funcargs.FunctionCollector(name=name, 
+            parent=self, combinations=runspec._combinations)
 class Module(py.test.collect.File, PyCollectorMixin):
     def _getobj(self):
         return self._memoizedcall('_obj', self._importtestmodule)
@@ -320,11 +346,13 @@
     """ a Function Item is responsible for setting up  
         and executing a Python callable test object.
-    def __init__(self, name, parent=None, config=None, args=(), callobj=_dummy):
+    def __init__(self, name, parent=None, config=None, args=(), funcargs=None, callobj=_dummy):
         super(Function, self).__init__(name, parent, config=config) 
         self._finalizers = []
         self._args = args
-        self.funcargs = {}
+        if funcargs is None:
+            funcargs = {}
+        self.funcargs = funcargs 
         if callobj is not _dummy: 
             self._obj = callobj 
@@ -350,31 +378,7 @@
     def setup(self):
         super(Function, self).setup()
-        self._setupfuncargs()
-    def _setupfuncargs(self):
-        if self._args:
-            # functions yielded from a generator: we don't want
-            # to support that because we want to go here anyway: 
-            # http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/issue/2/next-generation-generative-tests
-            pass
-        else:
-            # standard Python Test function/method case  
-            funcobj = self.obj 
-            startindex = getattr(funcobj, 'im_self', None) and 1 or 0 
-            argnames = py.std.inspect.getargs(self.obj.func_code)[0]
-            for i, argname in py.builtin.enumerate(argnames):
-                if i < startindex:
-                    continue 
-                request = self.getrequest(argname) 
-                try:
-                    self.funcargs[argname] = request.call_next_provider()
-                except request.Error:
-                    numdefaults = len(funcobj.func_defaults or ()) 
-                    if i + numdefaults >= len(argnames):
-                        continue # our args have defaults XXX issue warning? 
-                    else:
-                        request._raiselookupfailed()
+        funcargs.fillfuncargs(self)
     def __eq__(self, other):
@@ -385,74 +389,7 @@
         except AttributeError:
         return False
     def __ne__(self, other):
         return not self == other
-    def getrequest(self, argname):
-        return FuncargRequest(pyfuncitem=self, argname=argname) 
-class FuncargRequest:
-    _argprefix = "pytest_funcarg__"
-    class Error(LookupError):
-        """ error on performing funcarg request. """ 
-    def __init__(self, pyfuncitem, argname):
-        # XXX make pyfuncitem _pyfuncitem 
-        self._pyfuncitem = pyfuncitem
-        self.argname = argname 
-        self.function = pyfuncitem.obj
-        self.config = pyfuncitem.config
-        self.fspath = pyfuncitem.fspath
-        self._plugins = self._getplugins()
-        self._methods = self.config.pluginmanager.listattr(
-            plugins=self._plugins, 
-            attrname=self._argprefix + str(argname)
-        )
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<FuncargRequest %r for %r>" %(self.argname, self._pyfuncitem)
-    def _getplugins(self):
-        plugins = []
-        current = self._pyfuncitem
-        while not isinstance(current, Module):
-            current = current.parent
-            if isinstance(current, (Instance, Module)):
-                plugins.insert(0, current.obj)
-        return self.config.pluginmanager.getplugins() + plugins 
-    def call_next_provider(self):
-        if not self._methods:
-            raise self.Error("no provider methods left")
-        nextmethod = self._methods.pop()
-        return nextmethod(request=self)
-    def addfinalizer(self, finalizer):
-        self._pyfuncitem.addfinalizer(finalizer)
-    def maketempdir(self):
-        basetemp = self.config.getbasetemp()
-        tmp = py.path.local.make_numbered_dir(
-            prefix=self.function.__name__ + "_", 
-            keep=0, rootdir=basetemp)
-        return tmp
-    def _raiselookupfailed(self):
-        available = []
-        for plugin in self._plugins:
-            for name in vars(plugin.__class__):
-                if name.startswith(self._argprefix):
-                    name = name[len(self._argprefix):]
-                    if name not in available:
-                        available.append(name) 
-        fspath, lineno, msg = self._pyfuncitem.metainfo()
-        line = "%s:%s" %(fspath, lineno)
-        msg = "funcargument %r not found for: %s" %(self.argname, line)
-        msg += "\n available funcargs: %s" %(", ".join(available),)
-        raise LookupError(msg)

Modified: py/trunk/py/test/testing/test_funcargs.py
--- py/trunk/py/test/testing/test_funcargs.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/test/testing/test_funcargs.py	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
 import py
+from py.__.test import funcargs
-class TestFuncargs:
+def test_getfuncargnames():
+    def f(): pass
+    assert not funcargs.getfuncargnames(f) 
+    def g(arg): pass
+    assert funcargs.getfuncargnames(g) == ['arg']
+    def h(arg1, arg2="hello"): pass
+    assert funcargs.getfuncargnames(h) == ['arg1']
+    def h(arg1, arg2, arg3="hello"): pass
+    assert funcargs.getfuncargnames(h) == ['arg1', 'arg2']
+    class A:
+        def f(self, arg1, arg2="hello"):
+            pass
+    assert funcargs.getfuncargnames(A().f) == ['arg1']
+    assert funcargs.getfuncargnames(A.f) == ['arg1']
+class TestFillFuncArgs:
     def test_funcarg_lookupfails(self, testdir):
             class ConftestPlugin:
@@ -8,7 +24,7 @@
                     return 42
         item = testdir.getitem("def test_func(some): pass")
-        exc = py.test.raises(LookupError, "item._setupfuncargs()")
+        exc = py.test.raises(LookupError, "funcargs.fillfuncargs(item)")
         s = str(exc.value)
         assert s.find("xyzsomething") != -1
@@ -18,20 +34,8 @@
             def pytest_funcarg__some(self, request):
                 return request.function.__name__
-        item._setupfuncargs()
-        assert len(item.funcargs) == 1
-    def test_funcarg_lookup_default_gets_overriden(self, testdir):
-        item = testdir.getitem("def test_func(some=42, other=13): pass")
-        class Provider:
-            def pytest_funcarg__other(self, request):
-                return request.function.__name__
-        item.config.pluginmanager.register(Provider())
-        item._setupfuncargs()
+        funcargs.fillfuncargs(item)
         assert len(item.funcargs) == 1
-        name, value = item.funcargs.popitem()
-        assert name == "other"
-        assert value == item.name 
     def test_funcarg_basic(self, testdir):
         item = testdir.getitem("def test_func(some, other): pass")
@@ -41,7 +45,7 @@
             def pytest_funcarg__other(self, request):
                 return 42
-        item._setupfuncargs()
+        funcargs.fillfuncargs(item)
         assert len(item.funcargs) == 2
         assert item.funcargs['some'] == "test_func"
         assert item.funcargs['other'] == 42
@@ -58,9 +62,9 @@
         item1, item2 = testdir.genitems([modcol])
-        item1._setupfuncargs()
+        funcargs.fillfuncargs(item1)
         assert item1.funcargs['something'] ==  "test_method"
-        item2._setupfuncargs()
+        funcargs.fillfuncargs(item2)
         assert item2.funcargs['something'] ==  "test_func"
 class TestRequest:
@@ -69,37 +73,44 @@
             def pytest_funcarg__something(request): pass
             def test_func(something): pass
-        req = item.getrequest("other")
+        req = funcargs.FuncargRequest(item, argname="other")
         assert req.argname == "other"
         assert req.function == item.obj 
+        assert hasattr(req.module, 'test_func')
+        assert req.cls is None
         assert req.function.__name__ == "test_func" 
         assert req.config == item.config 
         assert repr(req).find(req.function.__name__) != -1
+    def test_request_attributes_method(self, testdir):
+        item, = testdir.getitems("""
+            class TestB:
+                def test_func(self, something): 
+                    pass
+        """)
+        req = funcargs.FuncargRequest(item, argname="something")
+        assert req.cls.__name__ == "TestB"
-    def test_request_contains_funcargs_methods(self, testdir):
+    def test_request_contains_funcargs_provider(self, testdir):
         modcol = testdir.getmodulecol("""
             def pytest_funcarg__something(request):
             class TestClass:
-                def pytest_funcarg__something(self, request):
-                    pass
                 def test_method(self, something):
         item1, = testdir.genitems([modcol])
         assert item1.name == "test_method"
-        methods = item1.getrequest("something")._methods 
-        assert len(methods) == 2
-        method1, method2 = methods 
-        assert not hasattr(method1, 'im_self')
-        assert method2.im_self is not None
+        provider = funcargs.FuncargRequest(item1, "something")._provider 
+        assert len(provider) == 1
+        assert provider[0].__name__ == "pytest_funcarg__something"
     def test_request_call_next_provider(self, testdir):
         item = testdir.getitem("""
             def pytest_funcarg__something(request): pass
             def test_func(something): pass
-        req = item.getrequest("something")
+        req = funcargs.FuncargRequest(item, "something")
         val = req.call_next_provider()
         assert val is None
         py.test.raises(req.Error, "req.call_next_provider()")
@@ -109,22 +120,147 @@
             def pytest_funcarg__something(request): pass
             def test_func(something): pass
-        req = item.getrequest("something")
+        req = funcargs.FuncargRequest(item, "something")
         l = [1]
-    def test_request_maketemp(self, testdir):
-        item = testdir.getitem("def test_func(): pass")
-        req = item.getrequest("xxx")
-        tmpdir = req.maketempdir()
-        tmpdir2 = req.maketempdir()
-        assert tmpdir != tmpdir2
-        assert tmpdir.basename.startswith("test_func")
-        assert tmpdir2.basename.startswith("test_func")
     def test_request_getmodulepath(self, testdir):
         modcol = testdir.getmodulecol("def test_somefunc(): pass")
         item, = testdir.genitems([modcol])
-        req = item.getrequest("hello")
+        req = funcargs.FuncargRequest(item, "xxx")
         assert req.fspath == modcol.fspath 
+class TestRunSpecs:
+    def test_no_funcargs(self, testdir):
+        def function(): pass
+        runspec = funcargs.RunSpecs(function)
+        assert not runspec.funcargnames
+    def test_function_basic(self):
+        def func(arg1, arg2="qwe"): pass
+        runspec = funcargs.RunSpecs(func)
+        assert len(runspec.funcargnames) == 1
+        assert 'arg1' in runspec.funcargnames
+        assert runspec.function is func 
+        assert runspec.cls is None
+    def test_addfuncarg_basic(self):
+        def func(arg1): pass
+        runspec = funcargs.RunSpecs(func)
+        py.test.raises(ValueError, """
+            runspec.addfuncarg("notexists", 100)
+        """)
+        runspec.addfuncarg("arg1", 100)
+        assert len(runspec._combinations) == 1
+        assert runspec._combinations[0] == {'arg1': 100}
+    def test_addfuncarg_two(self):
+        def func(arg1): pass
+        runspec = funcargs.RunSpecs(func)
+        runspec.addfuncarg("arg1", 100) 
+        runspec.addfuncarg("arg1", 101)
+        assert len(runspec._combinations) == 2
+        assert runspec._combinations[0] == {'arg1': 100}
+        assert runspec._combinations[1] == {'arg1': 101}
+    def test_addfuncarg_combined(self):
+        runspec = funcargs.RunSpecs(lambda arg1, arg2: 0)
+        runspec.addfuncarg('arg1', 1)
+        runspec.addfuncarg('arg1', 2)
+        runspec.addfuncarg('arg2', 100)
+        combinations = runspec._combinations
+        assert len(combinations) == 2
+        assert combinations[0] == {'arg1': 1, 'arg2': 100}
+        assert combinations[1] == {'arg1': 2, 'arg2': 100}
+        runspec.addfuncarg('arg2', 101)
+        assert len(combinations) == 4
+        assert combinations[-1] == {'arg1': 2, 'arg2': 101}
+class TestGenfuncFunctional:
+    def test_attributes(self, testdir):
+        p = testdir.makepyfile("""
+            import py
+            def pytest_genfuncruns(runspec):
+                runspec.addfuncarg("runspec", runspec)
+            def test_function(runspec):
+                assert runspec.config == py.test.config
+                assert runspec.module.__name__ == __name__
+                assert runspec.function == test_function
+                assert runspec.cls is None
+            class TestClass:
+                def test_method(self, runspec):
+                    assert runspec.config == py.test.config
+                    assert runspec.module.__name__ == __name__
+                    # XXX actually have the unbound test function here?
+                    assert runspec.function == TestClass.test_method.im_func
+                    assert runspec.cls == TestClass
+        """)
+        result = testdir.runpytest(p, "-v")
+        result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([
+            "*2 passed in*",
+        ])
+    def test_arg_twice(self, testdir):
+        testdir.makeconftest("""
+            class ConftestPlugin:
+                def pytest_genfuncruns(self, runspec):
+                    assert "arg" in runspec.funcargnames 
+                    runspec.addfuncarg("arg", 10)
+                    runspec.addfuncarg("arg", 20)
+        """)
+        p = testdir.makepyfile("""
+            def test_myfunc(arg):
+                assert arg == 10
+        """)
+        result = testdir.runpytest("-v", p)
+        assert result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([
+            "*test_myfunc*PASS*", # case for 10
+            "*test_myfunc*FAIL*", # case for 20
+            "*1 failed, 1 passed*"
+        ])
+    def test_two_functions(self, testdir):
+        p = testdir.makepyfile("""
+            def pytest_genfuncruns(runspec):
+                runspec.addfuncarg("arg1", 10)
+                runspec.addfuncarg("arg1", 20)
+            def test_func1(arg1):
+                assert arg1 == 10
+            def test_func2(arg1):
+                assert arg1 in (10, 20)
+        """)
+        result = testdir.runpytest("-v", p)
+        assert result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([
+            "*test_func1*0*PASS*", 
+            "*test_func1*1*FAIL*", 
+            "*test_func2*PASS*",
+            "*1 failed, 3 passed*"
+        ])
+    def test_genfuncarg_inmodule(self, testdir):
+        testdir.makeconftest("""
+            class ConftestPlugin:
+                def pytest_genfuncruns(self, runspec):
+                    assert "arg" in runspec.funcargnames 
+                    runspec.addfuncarg("arg", 10)
+        """)
+        p = testdir.makepyfile("""
+            def pytest_genfuncruns(runspec):
+                runspec.addfuncarg("arg2", 10)
+                runspec.addfuncarg("arg2", 20)
+                runspec.addfuncarg("classarg", 17)
+            class TestClass:
+                def test_myfunc(self, arg, arg2, classarg):
+                    assert classarg == 17
+                    assert arg == arg2
+        """)
+        result = testdir.runpytest("-v", p)
+        assert result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([
+            "*test_myfunc*0*PASS*", 
+            "*test_myfunc*1*FAIL*", 
+            "*1 failed, 1 passed*"
+        ])

Modified: py/trunk/py/test/testing/test_pickling.py
--- py/trunk/py/test/testing/test_pickling.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/test/testing/test_pickling.py	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
         return p2config
-class TestImmutablePickling:
-    pytest_funcarg__pickletransport = ImmutablePickleTransport
+pytest_funcarg__pickletransport = ImmutablePickleTransport
+class TestImmutablePickling:
     def test_pickle_config(self, testdir, pickletransport):
         config1 = testdir.parseconfig()
         assert config1.topdir == testdir.tmpdir

Modified: py/trunk/py/test/testing/test_pycollect.py
--- py/trunk/py/test/testing/test_pycollect.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/test/testing/test_pycollect.py	Mon May 11 19:31:54 2009
@@ -215,6 +215,12 @@
         assert not skipped and not failed 
 class TestFunction:
+    def test_getmodulecollector(self, testdir):
+        item = testdir.getitem("def test_func(): pass")
+        modcol = item.getmodulecollector()
+        assert isinstance(modcol, py.test.collect.Module)
+        assert hasattr(modcol.obj, 'test_func')
     def test_function_equality(self, tmpdir):
         config = py.test.config._reparse([tmpdir])
         f1 = py.test.collect.Function(name="name", config=config, 

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