[py-svn] commit/py: hpk42: remove apipkg.py test to lower redundancy
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Sat Jun 9 23:06:12 CEST 2012
1 new commit in py:
changeset: c467a077be40
user: hpk42
date: 2012-06-09 23:05:55
summary: remove apipkg.py test to lower redundancy
affected #: 1 file
diff -r 4dfde5019cb35a1506aca3607d7de5245f762335 -r c467a077be406daf8890fa239c9fdccf9be195d3 testing/test_apipkg.py
--- a/testing/test_apipkg.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
-import types
-import sys
-import py
-import py._apipkg as apipkg
-import subprocess
-import types
-ModuleType = types.ModuleType
-# test support for importing modules
-class TestRealModule:
- def setup_class(cls):
- cls.tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp('test_apipkg')
- sys.path = [str(cls.tmpdir)] + sys.path
- pkgdir = cls.tmpdir.ensure('realtest', dir=1)
- tfile = pkgdir.join('__init__.py')
- tfile.write(py.code.Source("""
- import py._apipkg as apipkg
- apipkg.initpkg(__name__, {
- 'x': {
- 'module': {
- '__doc__': '_xyz.testmodule:__doc__',
- 'mytest0': '_xyz.testmodule:mytest0',
- 'mytest1': '_xyz.testmodule:mytest1',
- 'MyTest': '_xyz.testmodule:MyTest',
- }
- }
- }
- )
- """))
- ipkgdir = cls.tmpdir.ensure("_xyz", dir=1)
- tfile = ipkgdir.join('testmodule.py')
- ipkgdir.ensure("__init__.py")
- tfile.write(py.code.Source("""
- 'test module'
- from _xyz.othermodule import MyTest
- #__all__ = ['mytest0', 'mytest1', 'MyTest']
- def mytest0():
- pass
- def mytest1():
- pass
- """))
- ipkgdir.join("othermodule.py").write("class MyTest: pass")
- def setup_method(self, *args):
- # Unload the test modules before each test.
- module_names = ['realtest', 'realtest.x', 'realtest.x.module']
- for modname in module_names:
- if modname in sys.modules:
- del sys.modules[modname]
- def test_realmodule(self):
- import realtest.x
- assert 'realtest.x.module' in sys.modules
- assert getattr(realtest.x.module, 'mytest0')
- def test_realmodule_repr(self):
- import realtest.x
- assert "<ApiModule 'realtest.x'>" == repr(realtest.x)
- def test_realmodule_from(self):
- from realtest.x import module
- assert getattr(module, 'mytest1')
- def test_realmodule__all__(self):
- import realtest.x.module
- assert realtest.x.__all__ == ['module']
- assert len(realtest.x.module.__all__) == 4
- def test_realmodule_dict_import(self):
- "Test verifying that accessing the __dict__ invokes the import"
- import realtest.x.module
- moddict = realtest.x.module.__dict__
- assert 'mytest0' in moddict
- assert 'mytest1' in moddict
- assert 'MyTest' in moddict
- def test_realmodule___doc__(self):
- """test whether the __doc__ attribute is set properly from initpkg"""
- import realtest.x.module
- print (realtest.x.module.__map__)
- assert realtest.x.module.__doc__ == 'test module'
-class TestScenarios:
- def test_relative_import(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir):
- pkgdir = tmpdir.mkdir("mymodule")
- pkgdir.join('__init__.py').write(py.code.Source("""
- import py._apipkg as apipkg
- apipkg.initpkg(__name__, exportdefs={
- '__doc__': '.submod:maindoc',
- 'x': '.submod:x',
- 'y': {
- 'z': '.submod:x'
- },
- })
- """))
- pkgdir.join('submod.py').write("x=3\nmaindoc='hello'")
- monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(tmpdir)
- import mymodule
- assert isinstance(mymodule, apipkg.ApiModule)
- assert mymodule.x == 3
- assert mymodule.__doc__ == 'hello'
- assert mymodule.y.z == 3
- def test_recursive_import(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir):
- pkgdir = tmpdir.mkdir("recmodule")
- pkgdir.join('__init__.py').write(py.code.Source("""
- import py._apipkg as apipkg
- apipkg.initpkg(__name__, exportdefs={
- 'some': '.submod:someclass',
- })
- """))
- pkgdir.join('submod.py').write(py.code.Source("""
- import recmodule
- class someclass: pass
- print (recmodule.__dict__)
- """))
- monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(tmpdir)
- import recmodule
- assert isinstance(recmodule, apipkg.ApiModule)
- assert recmodule.some.__name__ == "someclass"
- def test_module_alias_import(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir):
- pkgdir = tmpdir.mkdir("aliasimport")
- pkgdir.join('__init__.py').write(py.code.Source("""
- import py._apipkg as apipkg
- apipkg.initpkg(__name__, exportdefs={
- 'some': 'os.path',
- })
- """))
- monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(tmpdir)
- import aliasimport
- for k, v in py.std.os.path.__dict__.items():
- assert getattr(aliasimport.some, k) == v
- def test_from_module_alias_import(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir):
- pkgdir = tmpdir.mkdir("fromaliasimport")
- pkgdir.join('__init__.py').write(py.code.Source("""
- import py._apipkg as apipkg
- apipkg.initpkg(__name__, exportdefs={
- 'some': 'os.path',
- })
- """))
- monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(tmpdir)
- from fromaliasimport.some import join
- assert join is py.std.os.path.join
-def xtest_nested_absolute_imports():
- import email
- api_email = apipkg.ApiModule('email',{
- 'message2': {
- 'Message': 'email.message:Message',
- },
- })
- # nesting is supposed to put nested items into sys.modules
- assert 'email.message2' in sys.modules
-# alternate ideas for specifying package + preliminary code
-def test_parsenamespace():
- spec = """
- path.local __.path.local::LocalPath
- path.svnwc __.path.svnwc::WCCommandPath
- test.raises __.test.outcome::raises
- """
- d = parsenamespace(spec)
- print (d)
- assert d == {'test': {'raises': '__.test.outcome::raises'},
- 'path': {'svnwc': '__.path.svnwc::WCCommandPath',
- 'local': '__.path.local::LocalPath'}
- }
-def xtest_parsenamespace_errors():
- py.test.raises(ValueError, """
- parsenamespace('path.local xyz')
- """)
- py.test.raises(ValueError, """
- parsenamespace('x y z')
- """)
-def parsenamespace(spec):
- ns = {}
- for line in spec.split("\n"):
- line = line.strip()
- if not line or line[0] == "#":
- continue
- parts = [x.strip() for x in line.split()]
- if len(parts) != 2:
- raise ValueError("Wrong format: %r" %(line,))
- apiname, spec = parts
- if not spec.startswith("__"):
- raise ValueError("%r does not start with __" %(spec,))
- apinames = apiname.split(".")
- cur = ns
- for name in apinames[:-1]:
- cur.setdefault(name, {})
- cur = cur[name]
- cur[apinames[-1]] = spec
- return ns
-def test_initpkg_replaces_sysmodules(monkeypatch):
- mod = ModuleType('hello')
- monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, 'hello', mod)
- apipkg.initpkg('hello', {'x': 'os.path:abspath'})
- newmod = sys.modules['hello']
- assert newmod != mod
- assert newmod.x == py.std.os.path.abspath
-def test_initpkg_transfers_attrs(monkeypatch):
- mod = ModuleType('hello')
- mod.__version__ = 10
- mod.__file__ = "hello.py"
- mod.__loader__ = "loader"
- mod.__doc__ = "this is the documentation"
- monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, 'hello', mod)
- apipkg.initpkg('hello', {})
- newmod = sys.modules['hello']
- assert newmod != mod
- assert newmod.__file__ == py.path.local(mod.__file__)
- assert newmod.__version__ == mod.__version__
- assert newmod.__loader__ == mod.__loader__
- assert newmod.__doc__ == mod.__doc__
-def test_initpkg_nodoc(monkeypatch):
- mod = ModuleType('hello')
- mod.__file__ = "hello.py"
- monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, 'hello', mod)
- apipkg.initpkg('hello', {})
- newmod = sys.modules['hello']
- assert not newmod.__doc__
-def test_initpkg_overwrite_doc(monkeypatch):
- hello = ModuleType('hello')
- hello.__doc__ = "this is the documentation"
- monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, 'hello', hello)
- apipkg.initpkg('hello', {"__doc__": "sys:__doc__"})
- newhello = sys.modules['hello']
- assert newhello != hello
- assert newhello.__doc__ == sys.__doc__
-def test_initpkg_not_transfers_not_existing_attrs(monkeypatch):
- mod = ModuleType('hello')
- mod.__file__ = "hello.py"
- monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, 'hello', mod)
- apipkg.initpkg('hello', {})
- newmod = sys.modules['hello']
- assert newmod != mod
- assert newmod.__file__ == py.path.local(mod.__file__)
- assert not hasattr(newmod, '__loader__')
- assert not hasattr(newmod, '__path__')
-def test_initpkg_defaults(monkeypatch):
- mod = ModuleType('hello')
- monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, 'hello', mod)
- apipkg.initpkg('hello', {})
- newmod = sys.modules['hello']
- assert newmod.__file__ == None
- assert not hasattr(newmod, '__version__')
-def test_name_attribute():
- api = apipkg.ApiModule('name_test', {
- 'subpkg': {},
- })
- assert api.__name__ == 'name_test'
- assert api.subpkg.__name__ == 'name_test.subpkg'
-def test_error_loading_one_element(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
- pkgdir = tmpdir.mkdir("errorloading1")
- pkgdir.join('__init__.py').write(py.code.Source("""
- import py._apipkg as apipkg
- apipkg.initpkg(__name__, exportdefs={
- 'x': '.notexists:x',
- 'y': '.submod:y'
- },
- )
- """))
- pkgdir.join('submod.py').write("y=0")
- monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(tmpdir)
- import errorloading1
- assert isinstance(errorloading1, apipkg.ApiModule)
- assert errorloading1.y == 0
- py.test.raises(ImportError, 'errorloading1.x')
- py.test.raises(ImportError, 'errorloading1.x')
-def test_onfirstaccess(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
- pkgdir = tmpdir.mkdir("firstaccess")
- pkgdir.join('__init__.py').write(py.code.Source("""
- import py._apipkg as apipkg
- apipkg.initpkg(__name__, exportdefs={
- '__onfirstaccess__': '.submod:init',
- 'l': '.submod:l',
- },
- )
- """))
- pkgdir.join('submod.py').write(py.code.Source("""
- l = []
- def init():
- l.append(1)
- """))
- monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(tmpdir)
- import firstaccess
- assert isinstance(firstaccess, apipkg.ApiModule)
- assert len(firstaccess.l) == 1
- assert len(firstaccess.l) == 1
- assert '__onfirstaccess__' not in firstaccess.__all__
- at py.test.mark.multi(mode=['attr', 'dict', 'onfirst'])
-def test_onfirstaccess_setsnewattr(tmpdir, monkeypatch, mode):
- pkgname = tmpdir.basename.replace("-", "")
- pkgdir = tmpdir.mkdir(pkgname)
- pkgdir.join('__init__.py').write(py.code.Source("""
- import py._apipkg as apipkg
- apipkg.initpkg(__name__, exportdefs={
- '__onfirstaccess__': '.submod:init',
- },
- )
- """))
- pkgdir.join('submod.py').write(py.code.Source("""
- def init():
- import %s as pkg
- pkg.newattr = 42
- """ % pkgname))
- monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(tmpdir)
- mod = __import__(pkgname)
- assert isinstance(mod, apipkg.ApiModule)
- if mode == 'attr':
- assert mod.newattr == 42
- elif mode == "dict":
- print (list(mod.__dict__.keys()))
- assert 'newattr' in mod.__dict__
- elif mode == "onfirst":
- assert not hasattr(mod, '__onfirstaccess__')
- assert not hasattr(mod, '__onfirstaccess__')
- assert '__onfirstaccess__' not in vars(mod)
-def test_bpython_getattr_override(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
- def patchgetattr(self, name):
- raise AttributeError(name)
- monkeypatch.setattr(apipkg.ApiModule, '__getattr__', patchgetattr)
- api = apipkg.ApiModule('bpy', {
- 'abspath': 'os.path:abspath',
- })
- d = api.__dict__
- assert 'abspath' in d
-def test_chdir_with_relative_imports_shouldnt_break_lazy_loading(tmpdir):
- tmpdir.join('apipkg.py').write(py.code.Source(apipkg))
- pkg = tmpdir.mkdir('pkg')
- messy = tmpdir.mkdir('messy')
- pkg.join('__init__.py').write(py.code.Source("""
- import py._apipkg as apipkg
- apipkg.initpkg(__name__, {
- 'test': '.sub:test',
- })
- """))
- pkg.join('sub.py').write('def test(): pass')
- tmpdir.join('main.py').write(py.code.Source("""
- import os
- import sys
- sys.path.insert(0, '')
- import pkg
- import py
- print(py.__file__)
- py.builtin.print_(pkg.__path__, file=sys.stderr)
- py.builtin.print_(pkg.__file__, file=sys.stderr)
- py.builtin.print_(pkg, file=sys.stderr)
- os.chdir('messy')
- pkg.test()
- assert os.path.isabs(pkg.sub.__file__), pkg.sub.__file__
- """))
- res = subprocess.call(
- [py.std.sys.executable, 'main.py'],
- cwd=str(tmpdir),
- )
- assert res == 0
-def test_dotted_name_lookup(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
- pkgdir = tmpdir.mkdir("dotted_name_lookup")
- pkgdir.join('__init__.py').write(py.code.Source("""
- import py._apipkg as apipkg
- apipkg.initpkg(__name__, dict(abs='os:path.abspath'))
- """))
- monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(tmpdir)
- import dotted_name_lookup
- assert dotted_name_lookup.abs == py.std.os.path.abspath
-def test_extra_attributes(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
- pkgdir = tmpdir.mkdir("extra_attributes")
- pkgdir.join('__init__.py').write(py.code.Source("""
- import py._apipkg as apipkg
- apipkg.initpkg(__name__, dict(abs='os:path.abspath'), dict(foo='bar'))
- """))
- monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(tmpdir)
- import extra_attributes
- assert extra_attributes.foo == 'bar'
-def test_aliasmodule_repr():
- am = apipkg.AliasModule("mymod", "sys")
- r = repr(am)
- assert "<AliasModule 'mymod' for 'sys'>" == r
- am.version
- assert repr(am) == r
-def test_aliasmodule_proxy_methods(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
- pkgdir = tmpdir
- pkgdir.join('aliasmodule_proxy.py').write(py.code.Source("""
- def doit():
- return 42
- """))
- pkgdir.join('my_aliasmodule_proxy.py').write(py.code.Source("""
- import py._apipkg as apipkg
- apipkg.initpkg(__name__, dict(proxy='aliasmodule_proxy'))
- def doit():
- return 42
- """))
- monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(tmpdir)
- import aliasmodule_proxy as orig
- from my_aliasmodule_proxy import proxy
- doit = proxy.doit
- assert doit is orig.doit
- del proxy.doit
- py.test.raises(AttributeError, "orig.doit")
- proxy.doit = doit
- assert orig.doit is doit
-def test_aliasmodule_nested_import_with_from(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
- import os
- pkgdir = tmpdir.mkdir("api1")
- pkgdir.ensure("__init__.py").write(py.std.textwrap.dedent("""
- import py._apipkg as apipkg
- apipkg.initpkg(__name__, {
- 'os2': 'api2',
- 'os2.path': 'api2.path2',
- })
- """))
- tmpdir.join("api2.py").write(py.std.textwrap.dedent("""
- import os, sys
- from os import path
- sys.modules['api2.path2'] = path
- x = 3
- """))
- monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(tmpdir)
- from api1 import os2
- from api1.os2.path import abspath
- assert abspath == os.path.abspath
- # check that api1.os2 mirrors os.*
- assert os2.x == 3
- import api1
- assert 'os2.path' not in api1.__dict__
-def test_initpkg_without_old_module():
- apipkg.initpkg("initpkg_without_old_module",
- dict(modules="sys:modules"))
- from initpkg_without_old_module import modules
- assert modules is sys.modules
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