[Pytest-commit] Issue #187: Use tox to run tests on downstream libraries (hpk42/tox)

Ib Lundgren issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Thu Sep 11 13:44:13 CEST 2014

New issue 187: Use tox to run tests on downstream libraries

Ib Lundgren:


I currently use tox for testing across Python versions and it's great. Now I would like to make sure that when I update my library I don't break downstream libraries or at least know in what way they break.

For example, if I develop django and want to check if my changes break django-rest-framework I'd have a tox.ini with something like


Tox could then clone each repo and run a "sub-tox" inside each so all results are collected together (main lib + downstream). Naturally, the "sub-tox" would install the repo dependencies as specified in respective tox.ini with the exception of my library for which it would use the local version.

Suggestions for how I may achieve this? Update tox with these features? If so where? Or rather let tox be and roll a shell script? Already possible but I don't know how?


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