[Pytest-commit] Issue #601: pep8 and pep257 compliance of the pytest code (hpk42/pytest)

Anatoly Bubenkov issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Sat Sep 27 13:54:55 CEST 2014

New issue 601: pep8 and pep257 compliance of the pytest code

Anatoly Bubenkov:

it was already discussed a bit during the implementation of the https://bitbucket.org/hpk42/pytest/pull-request/193/fix-for-issue-557-running-a-specific-test/diff

In general, i would like pytest to be fully compliant with pep8 and pep257, and then add pytest-pep8 checker to the tox.ini so we can automatically ensure it will stay like this. The reason of this is simple - pep8 and pep257 dramatically increases readability of the code, which is in not in good shape in that sense ATM.
Im willing to make that happen in one single PR, but the question to the developers is - will it be approved, if so, i will start working on that.

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