[Pytest-commit] Issue #346: Tox should adhere to the XDG BaseDir standard on Linux and possibly OS X (hpk42/tox)

Severen Redwood issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Thu Jul 14 17:40:36 EDT 2016

New issue 346: Tox should adhere to the XDG BaseDir standard on Linux and possibly OS X

Severen Redwood:

You can find the specification [here](http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html).

This [blog post](https://ploum.net/207-modify-your-application-to-use-xdg-folders/) lists the advantages of using the XDG Base Directory Specification as follows:
- `$HOME` is a lot less cluttered.
- Backups are a lot more safer and easier (you know that creating a backup of your `$XDG_DATA_HOME` along with your files is enough).
- A lot easier to reset a default configuration if you want/need it (and without any risk of losing information).
- Avoid some strange bugs that happen because you had a old version of some configuration file.
- It is a lot more flexible and portable because no paths are hard-coded. You can use the XDG library that does the job for you _or_, if you don’t want the dependency, implementing the XDG specification is only a few lines of code.

For example, what is currently `~/.tox/distshare` would be `~/.cache/tox/distshare` or something similar.

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