[py-dev] py.test3, py.test-jython, py.test-pypy ...

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Mon Dec 21 11:01:17 CET 2009

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 10:11 +0100, Adam wrote:
> holger krekel wrote:
> > It makes py.test install as
> > 
> >     py.test        # if python executable has basename 'python'
> >     py.test3       # if python executable has version_info >= (3,0)
> >     py.test2.x     # if python executable has basename 'python2.x' (x in
> > '4567') py.test-jython # if we are running on jython2.5 
> >     py.test-pypy   # if we are running on pypy
> > 
> > does this make sense to you, objections?
> I don't know how easy it will be to get this to work with
> debian's python-setup (or for any other distributor).

good point.  OTOH they anyway modify the setup.py anyway so it's easy to 
implement their policy.  I believe python3 is currently the
standard so they probably should do 'py.test3' at least ... 
(not sure who is doing py.test debian packaging currently, btw) 

> > It does for me because 
> > i can more easily run tests with various interpreters.
> I think it is rather limited. If I want to know if my program has
> interpreter dependant bugs I have to run all of the py.tests and compare
> the outputs manually.
> What is the advantage of "py.test3" over running "py.test --tx
> popen//python3"? 

... it wouldn't work as py.test cannot currently do dist-testing across
python2/python3 barriers ... 

> Maybe instead add a shortcut for the "--tx popen"s?
> Like "py.test -i3,2.4,j,pypy" to run the tests with many different
> interpreters one after each other.

I agree that this is the way to go.  

py.test's current dist-testing model has some limitations which
can partially get in the way.  Most notably it is the invoking 
python interpreter context that determines which tests are collected
and distributed - e.g. test modules that produce a skip during import would 
never get send to ther other side.  The other bit is that it might not be easy
to discover all interpreters automatically. 

That being said, i am considering to actually follow your suggestion
and implement the '-i' option.  And also provide a py.test3 for python3. 

If you specify interpreters that don't exist what would you like py.test to do? 
Bail out up-front or produce skips or ..? 

cheers & thanks,

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