[pytest-dev] [pytest-rerunfailures] pytest-rerunfailures not using fixtures on reruns (#10)

Leah Klearman lklrmn at gmail.com
Sat Apr 20 05:55:31 CEST 2013

Hi Holger and other py.test mavens,

Bob has reported a problem with my py.test plugin pytest-rerunfailures [1]
not re-running the setup before rerunning the test.

Looking at my code, it has pytest_runtest_protocol() [2] looping
on _pytest.runner.runtestprotocol() [3], which in turn runs the setup, the
test, and the teardown.

[1] https://github.com/klrmn/pytest-rerunfailures

I haven't taken the hours needed to get my head fully into py.test plugin
development mode, but I'm not sure I can implement a fix at my layer.

I'm hoping someone here will have some insight.


On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 6:29 PM, Bob Silverberg <notifications at github.com>wrote:

> I just verified this behaviour myself with a simple test [1]. I see it
> with both funcargs and fixtures, but I'm not sure if it has to do with the
> plugin, or the way py.test works. It does inject the value into the test
> method, but it doesn't rerun the fixture, so it seems like it is caching
> the first run of the fixture and using that on subsequent runs.
> I'm not sure if this is something that the plugin can have any effect on,
> or if it's just the way fixtures work. It is specified for this fixture
> that it is scope='function', and perhaps py.test makes that happen by
> checking the function name, which is, of course, the same for each run. I
> did try removing the scope argument from the fixture but that had no
> effect.
> Do you have any thoughts about this, @klrmn <https://github.com/klrmn>?
> [1] https://gist.github.com/bobsilverberg/5385035
>> Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub<https://github.com/klrmn/pytest-rerunfailures/issues/10#issuecomment-16363644>
> .
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