[pytest-dev] plugins/pytest-qt and cx_Freeze
Florian Bruhin
me at the-compiler.org
Thu Jun 18 16:23:47 CEST 2015
* Bruno Oliveira <nicoddemus at gmail.com> [2015-06-18 13:50:59 +0000]:
> The problem is that the mechanism for plugin discovered used by pytest
> (setupttools entry points) doesn't work with frozen executables so pytest
> can't find any plugins.
Hm, I see. I'm not really aware how setuptools entry points are
implemented, and if support for that could be added to cx_Freeze.
> The workaround I currently use is to add this to my `conftest.py`:
> [...]
> Another solution would be to explicitly pass the plugin in the command line
> using `-p pytestq.plugin`.
Hmm, I see. I guess that'd work with the 3 plugins I need for now, but
it's definitely less than ideal.
> I still would like for this to work out of the box somehow though, so if
> anyone has any suggestions/ideas they are welcome.
I have no idea where to start - but if I can help in any way, please
let me know!
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