[pytest-dev] maintaining a synced git fork easily?

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Mon Sep 28 12:15:27 CEST 2015

Hey git-users :)

could someone help me with how to best manage my git fork of pytest?

I currently have two separate directories for my pytest work -- one
which was cloned from pytest-dev/pytest and one from hpk42/pytest which
was forked using the github UI.  Is it a good idea to try to maintain
both "remotes" in a single directory on my laptop?  I'd basically like
to be able to make a branch from pytest-dev/pytest but have it stored
in the hpk42/pytest fork repo.  And only have a single "git pull/fetch".

Instead currently i do this:

    cd pytest ; git pull
    cd ../pytest-hpk 
    git co master ; git pull ../pytest ; git push origin
    git co features ; git pull ../pytest ; git push origin

which seems a bit much -- also the last two "git co" commands usually
involve a merge commit which seems wrong (i probably messed up at some
point -- do i need to do a fresh fork/clone?).

How are you solving this usage issue?


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