[pytest-dev] Fixtures and test cases parametrization -- the clever way

Florian Schulze florian.schulze at gmx.net
Sun Feb 7 03:53:55 EST 2016

Maybe https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hypothesis is a better fit for this 
than parametrization. At first it might seem a bit foreign (it felt so 
to me), but it allows you to test in very interesting ways and to find 
corner cases quickly. Just testing all the keys is pretty boring and 
most likely won't lead to errors, so it's pretty much a waste of your 
time and CPU time.

Florian Schulze

On 7 Feb 2016, at 4:53, Goncalo Morgado wrote:

> Hi,
> Thank you for this great lib!
> I have an app that takes a config file with key/value pairs, that I 
> would
> like to test thoroughly, i.e all possible combinations of parameters 
> in the
> config file. I thought about taking advantage of the fixture
> parametrization functionality pytest provides, but not sure how... and 
> end
> up with what I believe is a silly idea (please see example code 
> below). I
> say silly because I will end up with a huge amount of 
> *.mark.parametrize()*
> entries and the test case function with a number of arguments... Any 
> idea
> on how to do this an elegant way?
> *import* pytest
> @pytest.mark.parametrize("key1", [0, 1, etc, etc])
> @pytest.mark.parametrize("key2", [2, 3, etc, etc, etc])
> @pytest.mark.parametrize("key3", [4, 5, etc, etc, etc, etc])
> ... # an infinitiy amount of @pytest.mark.parametrize("keyN", [bla, 
> bla,
> bla])
> *def* test_app_param_combination(key1, key2, key3, ....)
>   # implementation of the test
>   # run app with combination of key/value pair and check exit code
>   *assert* app_exit_code == 0
> Many thanks
> Go
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