[pytest-dev] pytest sprint 2016 / getting started

Andreas Pelme andreas at pelme.se
Tue Feb 9 05:55:17 EST 2016

Good to hear Dave! :)

I was just going to ask about accommodation. I was thinking that I can book a reasonably large multi bedroom apartment that I can pay via my company. Others would then be welcome to share. Preferably people which the company does not already pay. :)

What are your thoughts about something like that?

Holger, do you know of local accommodation that you recommend or should I look into airbnb?


> On 9 feb. 2016, at 11:43, Dave Hunt <dhunt at mozilla.com> wrote:
> It looks like I’ll be joining you during the sprint! Is it reasonable to go ahead and book flights now, or should I wait for the campaign to reach a certain amount of funding? My costs will be covered my by company, so it’s not dependant on the campaign. For accommodation, are we all going to try to book the same hotel, or should I just go ahead and find something myself?
> Cheers,
> Dave
>> On 7 Jan 2016, at 10:40, holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> let's try to find out if we can make a pytest sprint happen in 2016.
>> Here are some suggestions/thoughts on key points.
>> Participants: anyway who has contributed to pytest in recent years but also
>> interested newcomers/wanna-be-contributors.  Contributors are eligible
>> for getting their travel costs reimbursed (see funding below).
>> Location: somewhere around Freiburg, black forest, Germany.
>> Date ranges:
>>   20-26th June or
>>   30th June - 6th July.
>> Travel: arrive on the first day, leave the last.
>> Funding: we'll do a Indiegogo or betterplace.org campaign and ask
>> companies and individuals to help come up with funding for travel
>> costs, lodging and food for participants.  If participants can come
>> on their company's time and money even better.  In fact, the gathering
>> will be a great opportunity to dive deeper into pytest and make the best
>> use of it for your company.
>> sprint contents: pytest-3.0 and a major new revision of the xdist plugin?
>> Cleaning up wards, introducing new features (to be continued ...).
>> deadline for funding compaign: maybe February/March
>> so everybody can start booking.
>> Who'd be up for it?  how much do you estimate you need for travel?
>> Would the date range fit?
>> best,
>> holger
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