[pytest-dev] Announce pytest-wish a local search engine for code

Alessandro Amici alexamici at gmail.com
Sun Feb 14 10:23:32 EST 2016

Hello everybody out there using pytest,

last year a colleague of mine and I came up with the idea of using tests
for searching code that implements a particular feature.

As I didn't find anything similar on the internet I started writing a
pytest plugin that helps doing just that and I'm now ready to release the
first beta of pytest-wish:


See the 2 minutes hands-on overview for how it works:


We are using pytest-wish at my company with some success and I consider it
feature complete for a 1.0 release. OTOH the documentation is lagging and
it is my top priority right now.

I'd like any feedback on things people like/dislike in the approach.

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