[pytest-dev] hook to obtain parameters for parametrized test

Floris Bruynooghe flub at devork.be
Mon May 21 07:16:45 EDT 2018

Hi Ilya,

On Wed 16 May 2018 at 01:15 +0300, Ilya Kazakevich wrote:
> I write plugin for pytest, and I need to obtain parameters
> for test decorated with @parametrize before this test is actually called.

Could you describe a bit more what your use-case is?  Why do you need to
obtain these parameters and what do you intent to do with them.  If you
can provide a minimal example, even if still made-up, rather then
something abstract that would also be of great help.

This will help us understand your question better and figure out the
correct way to answer it.


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