[pytest-dev] pyi stubs (PEP 561/ PEP-484) for pytest

Ilya Kazakevich ilya.kazakevich at jetbrains.com
Tue Nov 13 17:19:25 EST 2018


My name is Ilya, I develop pytest integration in PyCharm IDE.

There is a PEP-484 that covers optional type hinting for Python an
PEP-561 that describes how to distribute this information as separate
with .pyi files (also called stubs).

Type hinting is huge benefit for any static analysis tool. At this moment
it is suported by mypy (http://mypy-lang.org/) and PyCharm.

My question is do you have any plans to create pyi stubs for pytest?
.pyi will improve code insight / code completion in PyCharm and give
users ability to validate their code with mypy.

We can create this package by ourselves (physically we create pytest-subs
package on pypi,
see PEP-561) but at least we need approvement from pytest devs, and any
are welcome)

Creating pyi files is not hard, and they could be used by any PEP-561
compatible project.

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