[Python-3000-checkins] r64473 - in python/branches/py3k-urllib/Doc/library: urllib.error.rst urllib.parse.rst urllib.request.rst urllib.robotparser.rst

senthil.kumaran python-3000-checkins at python.org
Mon Jun 23 04:33:01 CEST 2008

Author: senthil.kumaran
Date: Mon Jun 23 04:33:01 2008
New Revision: 64473

urllib package documentation.

   python/branches/py3k-urllib/Doc/library/urllib.error.rst   (contents, props changed)
   python/branches/py3k-urllib/Doc/library/urllib.parse.rst   (contents, props changed)
   python/branches/py3k-urllib/Doc/library/urllib.request.rst   (contents, props changed)
   python/branches/py3k-urllib/Doc/library/urllib.robotparser.rst   (contents, props changed)

Added: python/branches/py3k-urllib/Doc/library/urllib.error.rst
--- (empty file)
+++ python/branches/py3k-urllib/Doc/library/urllib.error.rst	Mon Jun 23 04:33:01 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+:mod:`urllib.error` --- Exception classes raised by urllib.request
+.. module:: urllib.error
+   :synopsis: Next generation URL opening library.
+.. moduleauthor:: Jeremy Hylton <jhylton at users.sourceforge.net>
+.. sectionauthor:: Senthil Kumaran <orsenthil at gmail.com>
+The :mod:`urllib.error` module defines exception classes raise by
+urllib.request. The base exception class is URLError, which inherits from
+The following exceptions are raised by :mod:`urllib.error` as appropriate:
+.. exception:: URLError
+   The handlers raise this exception (or derived exceptions) when they run into a
+   problem.  It is a subclass of :exc:`IOError`.
+   .. attribute:: reason
+      The reason for this error.  It can be a message string or another exception
+      instance (:exc:`socket.error` for remote URLs, :exc:`OSError` for local
+      URLs).
+.. exception:: HTTPError
+   Though being an exception (a subclass of :exc:`URLError`), an :exc:`HTTPError`
+   can also function as a non-exceptional file-like return value (the same thing
+   that :func:`urlopen` returns).  This is useful when handling exotic HTTP
+   errors, such as requests for authentication.
+   .. attribute:: code
+      An HTTP status code as defined in `RFC 2616 <http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2616.html>`_. 
+      This numeric value corresponds to a value found in the dictionary of
+      codes as found in :attr:`http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses`.
+.. exception:: ContentTooShortError(msg[, content])
+   This exception is raised when the :func:`urlretrieve` function detects that the
+   amount of the downloaded data is less than the  expected amount (given by the
+   *Content-Length* header). The :attr:`content` attribute stores the downloaded
+   (and supposedly truncated) data.

Added: python/branches/py3k-urllib/Doc/library/urllib.parse.rst
--- (empty file)
+++ python/branches/py3k-urllib/Doc/library/urllib.parse.rst	Mon Jun 23 04:33:01 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+:mod:`urllib.parse` --- Parse URLs into components
+.. module:: urllib.parse
+   :synopsis: Parse URLs into or assemble them from components.
+.. index::
+   single: WWW
+   single: World Wide Web
+   single: URL
+   pair: URL; parsing
+   pair: relative; URL
+This module defines a standard interface to break Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
+strings up in components (addressing scheme, network location, path etc.), to
+combine the components back into a URL string, and to convert a "relative URL"
+to an absolute URL given a "base URL."
+The module has been designed to match the Internet RFC on Relative Uniform
+Resource Locators (and discovered a bug in an earlier draft!). It supports the
+following URL schemes: ``file``, ``ftp``, ``gopher``, ``hdl``, ``http``,
+``https``, ``imap``, ``mailto``, ``mms``, ``news``,  ``nntp``, ``prospero``,
+``rsync``, ``rtsp``, ``rtspu``,  ``sftp``, ``shttp``, ``sip``, ``sips``,
+``snews``, ``svn``,  ``svn+ssh``, ``telnet``, ``wais``.
+The :mod:`urllib.parse` module defines the following functions:
+.. function:: urlparse(urlstring[, default_scheme[, allow_fragments]])
+   Parse a URL into six components, returning a 6-tuple.  This corresponds to the
+   general structure of a URL: ``scheme://netloc/path;parameters?query#fragment``.
+   Each tuple item is a string, possibly empty. The components are not broken up in
+   smaller parts (for example, the network location is a single string), and %
+   escapes are not expanded. The delimiters as shown above are not part of the
+   result, except for a leading slash in the *path* component, which is retained if
+   present.  For example:
+      >>> from urllib.parse import urlparse
+      >>> o = urlparse('http://www.cwi.nl:80/%7Eguido/Python.html')
+      >>> o   # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+      ParseResult(scheme='http', netloc='www.cwi.nl:80', path='/%7Eguido/Python.html',
+                  params='', query='', fragment='')
+      >>> o.scheme
+      'http'
+      >>> o.port
+      80
+      >>> o.geturl()
+      'http://www.cwi.nl:80/%7Eguido/Python.html'
+   If the *default_scheme* argument is specified, it gives the default addressing
+   scheme, to be used only if the URL does not specify one.  The default value for
+   this argument is the empty string.
+   If the *allow_fragments* argument is false, fragment identifiers are not
+   allowed, even if the URL's addressing scheme normally does support them.  The
+   default value for this argument is :const:`True`.
+   The return value is actually an instance of a subclass of :class:`tuple`.  This
+   class has the following additional read-only convenience attributes:
+   +------------------+-------+--------------------------+----------------------+
+   | Attribute        | Index | Value                    | Value if not present |
+   +==================+=======+==========================+======================+
+   | :attr:`scheme`   | 0     | URL scheme specifier     | empty string         |
+   +------------------+-------+--------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`netloc`   | 1     | Network location part    | empty string         |
+   +------------------+-------+--------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`path`     | 2     | Hierarchical path        | empty string         |
+   +------------------+-------+--------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`params`   | 3     | Parameters for last path | empty string         |
+   |                  |       | element                  |                      |
+   +------------------+-------+--------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`query`    | 4     | Query component          | empty string         |
+   +------------------+-------+--------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`fragment` | 5     | Fragment identifier      | empty string         |
+   +------------------+-------+--------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`username` |       | User name                | :const:`None`        |
+   +------------------+-------+--------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`password` |       | Password                 | :const:`None`        |
+   +------------------+-------+--------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`hostname` |       | Host name (lower case)   | :const:`None`        |
+   +------------------+-------+--------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`port`     |       | Port number as integer,  | :const:`None`        |
+   |                  |       | if present               |                      |
+   +------------------+-------+--------------------------+----------------------+
+   See section :ref:`urlparse-result-object` for more information on the result
+   object.
+.. function:: urlunparse(parts)
+   Construct a URL from a tuple as returned by ``urlparse()``. The *parts* argument
+   can be any six-item iterable. This may result in a slightly different, but
+   equivalent URL, if the URL that was parsed originally had unnecessary delimiters
+   (for example, a ? with an empty query; the RFC states that these are
+   equivalent).
+.. function:: urlsplit(urlstring[, default_scheme[, allow_fragments]])
+   This is similar to :func:`urlparse`, but does not split the params from the URL.
+   This should generally be used instead of :func:`urlparse` if the more recent URL
+   syntax allowing parameters to be applied to each segment of the *path* portion
+   of the URL (see :rfc:`2396`) is wanted.  A separate function is needed to
+   separate the path segments and parameters.  This function returns a 5-tuple:
+   (addressing scheme, network location, path, query, fragment identifier).
+   The return value is actually an instance of a subclass of :class:`tuple`.  This
+   class has the following additional read-only convenience attributes:
+   +------------------+-------+-------------------------+----------------------+
+   | Attribute        | Index | Value                   | Value if not present |
+   +==================+=======+=========================+======================+
+   | :attr:`scheme`   | 0     | URL scheme specifier    | empty string         |
+   +------------------+-------+-------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`netloc`   | 1     | Network location part   | empty string         |
+   +------------------+-------+-------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`path`     | 2     | Hierarchical path       | empty string         |
+   +------------------+-------+-------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`query`    | 3     | Query component         | empty string         |
+   +------------------+-------+-------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`fragment` | 4     | Fragment identifier     | empty string         |
+   +------------------+-------+-------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`username` |       | User name               | :const:`None`        |
+   +------------------+-------+-------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`password` |       | Password                | :const:`None`        |
+   +------------------+-------+-------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`hostname` |       | Host name (lower case)  | :const:`None`        |
+   +------------------+-------+-------------------------+----------------------+
+   | :attr:`port`     |       | Port number as integer, | :const:`None`        |
+   |                  |       | if present              |                      |
+   +------------------+-------+-------------------------+----------------------+
+   See section :ref:`urlparse-result-object` for more information on the result
+   object.
+.. function:: urlunsplit(parts)
+   Combine the elements of a tuple as returned by :func:`urlsplit` into a complete
+   URL as a string. The *parts* argument can be any five-item iterable. This may
+   result in a slightly different, but equivalent URL, if the URL that was parsed
+   originally had unnecessary delimiters (for example, a ? with an empty query; the
+   RFC states that these are equivalent).
+.. function:: urljoin(base, url[, allow_fragments])
+   Construct a full ("absolute") URL by combining a "base URL" (*base*) with
+   another URL (*url*).  Informally, this uses components of the base URL, in
+   particular the addressing scheme, the network location and (part of) the path,
+   to provide missing components in the relative URL.  For example:
+      >>> from urllib.parse import urljoin
+      >>> urljoin('http://www.cwi.nl/%7Eguido/Python.html', 'FAQ.html')
+      'http://www.cwi.nl/%7Eguido/FAQ.html'
+   The *allow_fragments* argument has the same meaning and default as for
+   :func:`urlparse`.
+   .. note::
+      If *url* is an absolute URL (that is, starting with ``//`` or ``scheme://``),
+      the *url*'s host name and/or scheme will be present in the result.  For example:
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> urljoin('http://www.cwi.nl/%7Eguido/Python.html',
+      ...         '//www.python.org/%7Eguido')
+      'http://www.python.org/%7Eguido'
+   If you do not want that behavior, preprocess the *url* with :func:`urlsplit` and
+   :func:`urlunsplit`, removing possible *scheme* and *netloc* parts.
+.. function:: urldefrag(url)
+   If *url* contains a fragment identifier, returns a modified version of *url*
+   with no fragment identifier, and the fragment identifier as a separate string.
+   If there is no fragment identifier in *url*, returns *url* unmodified and an
+   empty string.
+.. function:: quote(string[, safe])
+   Replace special characters in *string* using the ``%xx`` escape. Letters,
+   digits, and the characters ``'_.-'`` are never quoted. The optional *safe*
+   parameter specifies additional characters that should not be quoted --- its
+   default value is ``'/'``.
+   Example: ``quote('/~connolly/')`` yields ``'/%7econnolly/'``.
+.. function:: quote_plus(string[, safe])
+   Like :func:`quote`, but also replaces spaces by plus signs, as required for
+   quoting HTML form values.  Plus signs in the original string are escaped unless
+   they are included in *safe*.  It also does not have *safe* default to ``'/'``.
+.. function:: unquote(string)
+   Replace ``%xx`` escapes by their single-character equivalent.
+   Example: ``unquote('/%7Econnolly/')`` yields ``'/~connolly/'``.
+.. function:: unquote_plus(string)
+   Like :func:`unquote`, but also replaces plus signs by spaces, as required for
+   unquoting HTML form values.
+.. function:: urlencode(query[, doseq])
+   Convert a mapping object or a sequence of two-element tuples  to a "url-encoded"
+   string, suitable to pass to :func:`urlopen` above as the optional *data*
+   argument.  This is useful to pass a dictionary of form fields to a ``POST``
+   request.  The resulting string is a series of ``key=value`` pairs separated by
+   ``'&'`` characters, where both *key* and *value* are quoted using
+   :func:`quote_plus` above.  If the optional parameter *doseq* is present and
+   evaluates to true, individual ``key=value`` pairs are generated for each element
+   of the sequence. When a sequence of two-element tuples is used as the *query*
+   argument, the first element of each tuple is a key and the second is a value.
+   The order of parameters in the encoded string will match the order of parameter
+   tuples in the sequence. The :mod:`cgi` module provides the functions
+   :func:`parse_qs` and :func:`parse_qsl` which are used to parse query strings
+   into Python data structures.
+.. seealso::
+   :rfc:`1738` - Uniform Resource Locators (URL)
+      This specifies the formal syntax and semantics of absolute URLs.
+   :rfc:`1808` - Relative Uniform Resource Locators
+      This Request For Comments includes the rules for joining an absolute and a
+      relative URL, including a fair number of "Abnormal Examples" which govern the
+      treatment of border cases.
+   :rfc:`2396` - Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax
+      Document describing the generic syntactic requirements for both Uniform Resource
+      Names (URNs) and Uniform Resource Locators (URLs).
+.. _urlparse-result-object:
+Results of :func:`urlparse` and :func:`urlsplit`
+The result objects from the :func:`urlparse` and :func:`urlsplit` functions are
+subclasses of the :class:`tuple` type.  These subclasses add the attributes
+described in those functions, as well as provide an additional method:
+.. method:: ParseResult.geturl()
+   Return the re-combined version of the original URL as a string. This may differ
+   from the original URL in that the scheme will always be normalized to lower case
+   and empty components may be dropped. Specifically, empty parameters, queries,
+   and fragment identifiers will be removed.
+   The result of this method is a fixpoint if passed back through the original
+   parsing function:
+      >>> import urllib.parse
+      >>> url = 'HTTP://www.Python.org/doc/#'
+      >>> r1 = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url)
+      >>> r1.geturl()
+      'http://www.Python.org/doc/'
+      >>> r2 = urllib.parse.urlsplit(r1.geturl())
+      >>> r2.geturl()
+      'http://www.Python.org/doc/'
+The following classes provide the implementations of the parse results::
+.. class:: BaseResult
+   Base class for the concrete result classes.  This provides most of the attribute
+   definitions.  It does not provide a :meth:`geturl` method.  It is derived from
+   :class:`tuple`, but does not override the :meth:`__init__` or :meth:`__new__`
+   methods.
+.. class:: ParseResult(scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment)
+   Concrete class for :func:`urlparse` results.  The :meth:`__new__` method is
+   overridden to support checking that the right number of arguments are passed.
+.. class:: SplitResult(scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment)
+   Concrete class for :func:`urlsplit` results.  The :meth:`__new__` method is
+   overridden to support checking that the right number of arguments are passed.

Added: python/branches/py3k-urllib/Doc/library/urllib.request.rst
--- (empty file)
+++ python/branches/py3k-urllib/Doc/library/urllib.request.rst	Mon Jun 23 04:33:01 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,1194 @@
+:mod:`urllib.request` --- extensible library for opening URLs
+.. module:: urllib.request
+   :synopsis: Next generation URL opening library.
+.. moduleauthor:: Jeremy Hylton <jhylton at users.sourceforge.net>
+.. sectionauthor:: Moshe Zadka <moshez at users.sourceforge.net>
+The :mod:`urllib.request` module defines functions and classes which help in opening
+URLs (mostly HTTP) in a complex world --- basic and digest authentication,
+redirections, cookies and more.
+The :mod:`urllib.request` module defines the following functions:
+.. function:: urlopen(url[, data][, timeout])
+   Open the URL *url*, which can be either a string or a :class:`Request` object.
+   *data* may be a string specifying additional data to send to the server, or
+   ``None`` if no such data is needed.  Currently HTTP requests are the only ones
+   that use *data*; the HTTP request will be a POST instead of a GET when the
+   *data* parameter is provided.  *data* should be a buffer in the standard
+   :mimetype:`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` format.  The
+   :func:`urllib.urlencode` function takes a mapping or sequence of 2-tuples and
+   returns a string in this format.
+   The optional *timeout* parameter specifies a timeout in seconds for blocking
+   operations like the connection attempt (if not specified, the global default
+   timeout setting will be used).  This actually only works for HTTP, HTTPS,
+   FTP and FTPS connections.
+   This function returns a file-like object with two additional methods from
+   the :mod:`urllib.response` module
+   * :meth:`geturl` --- return the URL of the resource retrieved, commonly used to
+     determine if a redirect was followed
+   * :meth:`info` --- return the meta-information of the page, such as headers, in
+     the form of an ``http.client.HTTPMessage`` instance
+     (see `Quick Reference to HTTP Headers <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/http.html>`_)
+   Raises :exc:`URLError` on errors.
+   Note that ``None`` may be returned if no handler handles the request (though the
+   default installed global :class:`OpenerDirector` uses :class:`UnknownHandler` to
+   ensure this never happens).
+   The urlopen function from the previous version, Python 2.6 and earlier,  of
+   the module  urllib has been discontinued as urlopen can return the
+   file-object as the previous. The proxy handling, which in earlier was passed
+   as a dict parameter to urlopen can be availed by the use of `ProxyHandler`
+   objects.
+.. function:: install_opener(opener)
+   Install an :class:`OpenerDirector` instance as the default global opener.
+   Installing an opener is only necessary if you want urlopen to use that opener;
+   otherwise, simply call :meth:`OpenerDirector.open` instead of :func:`urlopen`.
+   The code does not check for a real :class:`OpenerDirector`, and any class with
+   the appropriate interface will work.
+.. function:: build_opener([handler, ...])
+   Return an :class:`OpenerDirector` instance, which chains the handlers in the
+   order given. *handler*\s can be either instances of :class:`BaseHandler`, or
+   subclasses of :class:`BaseHandler` (in which case it must be possible to call
+   the constructor without any parameters).  Instances of the following classes
+   will be in front of the *handler*\s, unless the *handler*\s contain them,
+   instances of them or subclasses of them: :class:`ProxyHandler`,
+   :class:`UnknownHandler`, :class:`HTTPHandler`, :class:`HTTPDefaultErrorHandler`,
+   :class:`HTTPRedirectHandler`, :class:`FTPHandler`, :class:`FileHandler`,
+   :class:`HTTPErrorProcessor`.
+   If the Python installation has SSL support (i.e., if the :mod:`ssl` module can be imported),
+   :class:`HTTPSHandler` will also be added.
+   A :class:`BaseHandler` subclass may also change its :attr:`handler_order`
+   member variable to modify its position in the handlers list.
+.. function:: urlretrieve(url[, filename[, reporthook[, data]]])
+   Copy a network object denoted by a URL to a local file, if necessary. If the URL
+   points to a local file, or a valid cached copy of the object exists, the object
+   is not copied.  Return a tuple ``(filename, headers)`` where *filename* is the
+   local file name under which the object can be found, and *headers* is whatever
+   the :meth:`info` method of the object returned by :func:`urlopen` returned (for
+   a remote object, possibly cached). Exceptions are the same as for
+   :func:`urlopen`.
+   The second argument, if present, specifies the file location to copy to (if
+   absent, the location will be a tempfile with a generated name). The third
+   argument, if present, is a hook function that will be called once on
+   establishment of the network connection and once after each block read
+   thereafter.  The hook will be passed three arguments; a count of blocks
+   transferred so far, a block size in bytes, and the total size of the file.  The
+   third argument may be ``-1`` on older FTP servers which do not return a file
+   size in response to a retrieval request.
+   If the *url* uses the :file:`http:` scheme identifier, the optional *data*
+   argument may be given to specify a ``POST`` request (normally the request type
+   is ``GET``).  The *data* argument must in standard
+   :mimetype:`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` format; see the :func:`urlencode`
+   function below.
+   :func:`urlretrieve` will raise :exc:`ContentTooShortError` when it detects that
+   the amount of data available  was less than the expected amount (which is the
+   size reported by a  *Content-Length* header). This can occur, for example, when
+   the  download is interrupted.
+   The *Content-Length* is treated as a lower bound: if there's more data  to read,
+   urlretrieve reads more data, but if less data is available,  it raises the
+   exception.
+   You can still retrieve the downloaded data in this case, it is stored  in the
+   :attr:`content` attribute of the exception instance.
+   If no *Content-Length* header was supplied, urlretrieve can not check the size
+   of the data it has downloaded, and just returns it.  In this case you just have
+   to assume that the download was successful.
+.. data:: _urlopener
+   The public functions :func:`urlopen` and :func:`urlretrieve` create an instance
+   of the :class:`FancyURLopener` class and use it to perform their requested
+   actions.  To override this functionality, programmers can create a subclass of
+   :class:`URLopener` or :class:`FancyURLopener`, then assign an instance of that
+   class to the ``urllib._urlopener`` variable before calling the desired function.
+   For example, applications may want to specify a different
+   :mailheader:`User-Agent` header than :class:`URLopener` defines.  This can be
+   accomplished with the following code::
+      import urllib.request
+      class AppURLopener(urllib.request.FancyURLopener):
+          version = "App/1.7"
+      urllib._urlopener = AppURLopener()
+.. function:: urlcleanup()
+   Clear the cache that may have been built up by previous calls to
+   :func:`urlretrieve`.
+.. function:: pathname2url(path)
+   Convert the pathname *path* from the local syntax for a path to the form used in
+   the path component of a URL.  This does not produce a complete URL.  The return
+   value will already be quoted using the :func:`quote` function.
+.. function:: url2pathname(path)
+   Convert the path component *path* from an encoded URL to the local syntax for a
+   path.  This does not accept a complete URL.  This function uses :func:`unquote`
+   to decode *path*.
+The following classes are provided:
+.. class:: Request(url[, data][, headers][, origin_req_host][, unverifiable])
+   This class is an abstraction of a URL request.
+   *url* should be a string containing a valid URL.
+   *data* may be a string specifying additional data to send to the server, or
+   ``None`` if no such data is needed.  Currently HTTP requests are the only ones
+   that use *data*; the HTTP request will be a POST instead of a GET when the
+   *data* parameter is provided.  *data* should be a buffer in the standard
+   :mimetype:`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` format.  The
+   :func:`urllib.urlencode` function takes a mapping or sequence of 2-tuples and
+   returns a string in this format.
+   *headers* should be a dictionary, and will be treated as if :meth:`add_header`
+   was called with each key and value as arguments.  This is often used to "spoof"
+   the ``User-Agent`` header, which is used by a browser to identify itself --
+   some HTTP servers only allow requests coming from common browsers as opposed
+   to scripts.  For example, Mozilla Firefox may identify itself as ``"Mozilla/5.0
+   (X11; U; Linux i686) Gecko/20071127 Firefox/"``, while :mod:`urllib2`'s
+   default user agent string is ``"Python-urllib/2.6"`` (on Python 2.6).
+   The final two arguments are only of interest for correct handling of third-party
+   HTTP cookies:
+   *origin_req_host* should be the request-host of the origin transaction, as
+   defined by :rfc:`2965`.  It defaults to ``http.cookiejar.request_host(self)``.
+   This is the host name or IP address of the original request that was
+   initiated by the user.  For example, if the request is for an image in an
+   HTML document, this should be the request-host of the request for the page
+   containing the image.
+   *unverifiable* should indicate whether the request is unverifiable, as defined
+   by RFC 2965.  It defaults to False.  An unverifiable request is one whose URL
+   the user did not have the option to approve.  For example, if the request is for
+   an image in an HTML document, and the user had no option to approve the
+   automatic fetching of the image, this should be true.
+.. class:: URLopener([proxies[, **x509]])
+   Base class for opening and reading URLs.  Unless you need to support opening
+   objects using schemes other than :file:`http:`, :file:`ftp:`, or :file:`file:`,
+   you probably want to use :class:`FancyURLopener`.
+   By default, the :class:`URLopener` class sends a :mailheader:`User-Agent` header
+   of ``urllib/VVV``, where *VVV* is the :mod:`urllib` version number.
+   Applications can define their own :mailheader:`User-Agent` header by subclassing
+   :class:`URLopener` or :class:`FancyURLopener` and setting the class attribute
+   :attr:`version` to an appropriate string value in the subclass definition.
+   The optional *proxies* parameter should be a dictionary mapping scheme names to
+   proxy URLs, where an empty dictionary turns proxies off completely.  Its default
+   value is ``None``, in which case environmental proxy settings will be used if
+   present, as discussed in the definition of :func:`urlopen`, above.
+   Additional keyword parameters, collected in *x509*, may be used for
+   authentication of the client when using the :file:`https:` scheme.  The keywords
+   *key_file* and *cert_file* are supported to provide an  SSL key and certificate;
+   both are needed to support client authentication.
+   :class:`URLopener` objects will raise an :exc:`IOError` exception if the server
+   returns an error code.
+    .. method:: open(fullurl[, data])
+       Open *fullurl* using the appropriate protocol.  This method sets up cache and
+       proxy information, then calls the appropriate open method with its input
+       arguments.  If the scheme is not recognized, :meth:`open_unknown` is called.
+       The *data* argument has the same meaning as the *data* argument of
+       :func:`urlopen`.
+    .. method:: open_unknown(fullurl[, data])
+       Overridable interface to open unknown URL types.
+    .. method:: retrieve(url[, filename[, reporthook[, data]]])
+       Retrieves the contents of *url* and places it in *filename*.  The return value
+       is a tuple consisting of a local filename and either a
+       :class:`email.message.Message` object containing the response headers (for remote
+       URLs) or ``None`` (for local URLs).  The caller must then open and read the
+       contents of *filename*.  If *filename* is not given and the URL refers to a
+       local file, the input filename is returned.  If the URL is non-local and
+       *filename* is not given, the filename is the output of :func:`tempfile.mktemp`
+       with a suffix that matches the suffix of the last path component of the input
+       URL.  If *reporthook* is given, it must be a function accepting three numeric
+       parameters.  It will be called after each chunk of data is read from the
+       network.  *reporthook* is ignored for local URLs.
+       If the *url* uses the :file:`http:` scheme identifier, the optional *data*
+       argument may be given to specify a ``POST`` request (normally the request type
+       is ``GET``).  The *data* argument must in standard
+       :mimetype:`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` format; see the :func:`urlencode`
+       function below.
+    .. attribute:: version
+       Variable that specifies the user agent of the opener object.  To get
+       :mod:`urllib` to tell servers that it is a particular user agent, set this in a
+       subclass as a class variable or in the constructor before calling the base
+       constructor.
+.. class:: FancyURLopener(...)
+   :class:`FancyURLopener` subclasses :class:`URLopener` providing default handling
+   for the following HTTP response codes: 301, 302, 303, 307 and 401.  For the 30x
+   response codes listed above, the :mailheader:`Location` header is used to fetch
+   the actual URL.  For 401 response codes (authentication required), basic HTTP
+   authentication is performed.  For the 30x response codes, recursion is bounded
+   by the value of the *maxtries* attribute, which defaults to 10.
+   For all other response codes, the method :meth:`http_error_default` is called
+   which you can override in subclasses to handle the error appropriately.
+   .. note::
+      According to the letter of :rfc:`2616`, 301 and 302 responses to POST requests
+      must not be automatically redirected without confirmation by the user.  In
+      reality, browsers do allow automatic redirection of these responses, changing
+      the POST to a GET, and :mod:`urllib` reproduces this behaviour.
+   The parameters to the constructor are the same as those for :class:`URLopener`.
+   .. note::
+      When performing basic authentication, a :class:`FancyURLopener` instance calls
+      its :meth:`prompt_user_passwd` method.  The default implementation asks the
+      users for the required information on the controlling terminal.  A subclass may
+      override this method to support more appropriate behavior if needed.
+    The :class:`FancyURLopener` class offers one additional method that should be
+    overloaded to provide the appropriate behavior:
+    .. method:: prompt_user_passwd(host, realm)
+       Return information needed to authenticate the user at the given host in the
+       specified security realm.  The return value should be a tuple, ``(user,
+       password)``, which can be used for basic authentication.
+       The implementation prompts for this information on the terminal; an application
+       should override this method to use an appropriate interaction model in the local
+       environment.
+.. class:: OpenerDirector()
+   The :class:`OpenerDirector` class opens URLs via :class:`BaseHandler`\ s chained
+   together. It manages the chaining of handlers, and recovery from errors.
+.. class:: BaseHandler()
+   This is the base class for all registered handlers --- and handles only the
+   simple mechanics of registration.
+.. class:: HTTPDefaultErrorHandler()
+   A class which defines a default handler for HTTP error responses; all responses
+   are turned into :exc:`HTTPError` exceptions.
+.. class:: HTTPRedirectHandler()
+   A class to handle redirections.
+.. class:: HTTPCookieProcessor([cookiejar])
+   A class to handle HTTP Cookies.
+.. class:: ProxyHandler([proxies])
+   Cause requests to go through a proxy. If *proxies* is given, it must be a
+   dictionary mapping protocol names to URLs of proxies. The default is to read the
+   list of proxies from the environment variables :envvar:`<protocol>_proxy`.
+   To disable autodetected proxy pass an empty dictionary.
+.. class:: HTTPPasswordMgr()
+   Keep a database of  ``(realm, uri) -> (user, password)`` mappings.
+.. class:: HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
+   Keep a database of  ``(realm, uri) -> (user, password)`` mappings. A realm of
+   ``None`` is considered a catch-all realm, which is searched if no other realm
+   fits.
+.. class:: AbstractBasicAuthHandler([password_mgr])
+   This is a mixin class that helps with HTTP authentication, both to the remote
+   host and to a proxy. *password_mgr*, if given, should be something that is
+   compatible with :class:`HTTPPasswordMgr`; refer to section
+   :ref:`http-password-mgr` for information on the interface that must be
+   supported.
+.. class:: HTTPBasicAuthHandler([password_mgr])
+   Handle authentication with the remote host. *password_mgr*, if given, should be
+   something that is compatible with :class:`HTTPPasswordMgr`; refer to section
+   :ref:`http-password-mgr` for information on the interface that must be
+   supported.
+.. class:: ProxyBasicAuthHandler([password_mgr])
+   Handle authentication with the proxy. *password_mgr*, if given, should be
+   something that is compatible with :class:`HTTPPasswordMgr`; refer to section
+   :ref:`http-password-mgr` for information on the interface that must be
+   supported.
+.. class:: AbstractDigestAuthHandler([password_mgr])
+   This is a mixin class that helps with HTTP authentication, both to the remote
+   host and to a proxy. *password_mgr*, if given, should be something that is
+   compatible with :class:`HTTPPasswordMgr`; refer to section
+   :ref:`http-password-mgr` for information on the interface that must be
+   supported.
+.. class:: HTTPDigestAuthHandler([password_mgr])
+   Handle authentication with the remote host. *password_mgr*, if given, should be
+   something that is compatible with :class:`HTTPPasswordMgr`; refer to section
+   :ref:`http-password-mgr` for information on the interface that must be
+   supported.
+.. class:: ProxyDigestAuthHandler([password_mgr])
+   Handle authentication with the proxy. *password_mgr*, if given, should be
+   something that is compatible with :class:`HTTPPasswordMgr`; refer to section
+   :ref:`http-password-mgr` for information on the interface that must be
+   supported.
+.. class:: HTTPHandler()
+   A class to handle opening of HTTP URLs.
+.. class:: HTTPSHandler()
+   A class to handle opening of HTTPS URLs.
+.. class:: FileHandler()
+   Open local files.
+.. class:: FTPHandler()
+   Open FTP URLs.
+.. class:: CacheFTPHandler()
+   Open FTP URLs, keeping a cache of open FTP connections to minimize delays.
+.. class:: UnknownHandler()
+   A catch-all class to handle unknown URLs.
+.. _request-objects:
+Request Objects
+The following methods describe all of :class:`Request`'s public interface, and
+so all must be overridden in subclasses.
+.. method:: Request.add_data(data)
+   Set the :class:`Request` data to *data*.  This is ignored by all handlers except
+   HTTP handlers --- and there it should be a byte string, and will change the
+   request to be ``POST`` rather than ``GET``.
+.. method:: Request.get_method()
+   Return a string indicating the HTTP request method.  This is only meaningful for
+   HTTP requests, and currently always returns ``'GET'`` or ``'POST'``.
+.. method:: Request.has_data()
+   Return whether the instance has a non-\ ``None`` data.
+.. method:: Request.get_data()
+   Return the instance's data.
+.. method:: Request.add_header(key, val)
+   Add another header to the request.  Headers are currently ignored by all
+   handlers except HTTP handlers, where they are added to the list of headers sent
+   to the server.  Note that there cannot be more than one header with the same
+   name, and later calls will overwrite previous calls in case the *key* collides.
+   Currently, this is no loss of HTTP functionality, since all headers which have
+   meaning when used more than once have a (header-specific) way of gaining the
+   same functionality using only one header.
+.. method:: Request.add_unredirected_header(key, header)
+   Add a header that will not be added to a redirected request.
+.. method:: Request.has_header(header)
+   Return whether the instance has the named header (checks both regular and
+   unredirected).
+.. method:: Request.get_full_url()
+   Return the URL given in the constructor.
+.. method:: Request.get_type()
+   Return the type of the URL --- also known as the scheme.
+.. method:: Request.get_host()
+   Return the host to which a connection will be made.
+.. method:: Request.get_selector()
+   Return the selector --- the part of the URL that is sent to the server.
+.. method:: Request.set_proxy(host, type)
+   Prepare the request by connecting to a proxy server. The *host* and *type* will
+   replace those of the instance, and the instance's selector will be the original
+   URL given in the constructor.
+.. method:: Request.get_origin_req_host()
+   Return the request-host of the origin transaction, as defined by :rfc:`2965`.
+   See the documentation for the :class:`Request` constructor.
+.. method:: Request.is_unverifiable()
+   Return whether the request is unverifiable, as defined by RFC 2965. See the
+   documentation for the :class:`Request` constructor.
+.. _opener-director-objects:
+OpenerDirector Objects
+:class:`OpenerDirector` instances have the following methods:
+.. method:: OpenerDirector.add_handler(handler)
+   *handler* should be an instance of :class:`BaseHandler`.  The following methods
+   are searched, and added to the possible chains (note that HTTP errors are a
+   special case).
+   * :meth:`protocol_open` --- signal that the handler knows how to open *protocol*
+     URLs.
+   * :meth:`http_error_type` --- signal that the handler knows how to handle HTTP
+     errors with HTTP error code *type*.
+   * :meth:`protocol_error` --- signal that the handler knows how to handle errors
+     from (non-\ ``http``) *protocol*.
+   * :meth:`protocol_request` --- signal that the handler knows how to pre-process
+     *protocol* requests.
+   * :meth:`protocol_response` --- signal that the handler knows how to
+     post-process *protocol* responses.
+.. method:: OpenerDirector.open(url[, data][, timeout])
+   Open the given *url* (which can be a request object or a string), optionally
+   passing the given *data*. Arguments, return values and exceptions raised are
+   the same as those of :func:`urlopen` (which simply calls the :meth:`open`
+   method on the currently installed global :class:`OpenerDirector`).  The
+   optional *timeout* parameter specifies a timeout in seconds for blocking
+   operations like the connection attempt (if not specified, the global default
+   timeout setting will be usedi). The timeout feature actually works only for
+   HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and FTPS connections).
+.. method:: OpenerDirector.error(proto[, arg[, ...]])
+   Handle an error of the given protocol.  This will call the registered error
+   handlers for the given protocol with the given arguments (which are protocol
+   specific).  The HTTP protocol is a special case which uses the HTTP response
+   code to determine the specific error handler; refer to the :meth:`http_error_\*`
+   methods of the handler classes.
+   Return values and exceptions raised are the same as those of :func:`urlopen`.
+OpenerDirector objects open URLs in three stages:
+The order in which these methods are called within each stage is determined by
+sorting the handler instances.
+#. Every handler with a method named like :meth:`protocol_request` has that
+   method called to pre-process the request.
+#. Handlers with a method named like :meth:`protocol_open` are called to handle
+   the request. This stage ends when a handler either returns a non-\ :const:`None`
+   value (ie. a response), or raises an exception (usually :exc:`URLError`).
+   Exceptions are allowed to propagate.
+   In fact, the above algorithm is first tried for methods named
+   :meth:`default_open`.  If all such methods return :const:`None`, the algorithm
+   is repeated for methods named like :meth:`protocol_open`.  If all such methods
+   return :const:`None`, the algorithm is repeated for methods named
+   :meth:`unknown_open`.
+   Note that the implementation of these methods may involve calls of the parent
+   :class:`OpenerDirector` instance's :meth:`.open` and :meth:`.error` methods.
+#. Every handler with a method named like :meth:`protocol_response` has that
+   method called to post-process the response.
+.. _base-handler-objects:
+BaseHandler Objects
+:class:`BaseHandler` objects provide a couple of methods that are directly
+useful, and others that are meant to be used by derived classes.  These are
+intended for direct use:
+.. method:: BaseHandler.add_parent(director)
+   Add a director as parent.
+.. method:: BaseHandler.close()
+   Remove any parents.
+The following members and methods should only be used by classes derived from
+.. note::
+   The convention has been adopted that subclasses defining
+   :meth:`protocol_request` or :meth:`protocol_response` methods are named
+   :class:`\*Processor`; all others are named :class:`\*Handler`.
+.. attribute:: BaseHandler.parent
+   A valid :class:`OpenerDirector`, which can be used to open using a different
+   protocol, or handle errors.
+.. method:: BaseHandler.default_open(req)
+   This method is *not* defined in :class:`BaseHandler`, but subclasses should
+   define it if they want to catch all URLs.
+   This method, if implemented, will be called by the parent
+   :class:`OpenerDirector`.  It should return a file-like object as described in
+   the return value of the :meth:`open` of :class:`OpenerDirector`, or ``None``.
+   It should raise :exc:`URLError`, unless a truly exceptional thing happens (for
+   example, :exc:`MemoryError` should not be mapped to :exc:`URLError`).
+   This method will be called before any protocol-specific open method.
+.. method:: BaseHandler.protocol_open(req)
+   :noindex:
+   This method is *not* defined in :class:`BaseHandler`, but subclasses should
+   define it if they want to handle URLs with the given protocol.
+   This method, if defined, will be called by the parent :class:`OpenerDirector`.
+   Return values should be the same as for  :meth:`default_open`.
+.. method:: BaseHandler.unknown_open(req)
+   This method is *not* defined in :class:`BaseHandler`, but subclasses should
+   define it if they want to catch all URLs with no specific registered handler to
+   open it.
+   This method, if implemented, will be called by the :attr:`parent`
+   :class:`OpenerDirector`.  Return values should be the same as for
+   :meth:`default_open`.
+.. method:: BaseHandler.http_error_default(req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
+   This method is *not* defined in :class:`BaseHandler`, but subclasses should
+   override it if they intend to provide a catch-all for otherwise unhandled HTTP
+   errors.  It will be called automatically by the  :class:`OpenerDirector` getting
+   the error, and should not normally be called in other circumstances.
+   *req* will be a :class:`Request` object, *fp* will be a file-like object with
+   the HTTP error body, *code* will be the three-digit code of the error, *msg*
+   will be the user-visible explanation of the code and *hdrs* will be a mapping
+   object with the headers of the error.
+   Return values and exceptions raised should be the same as those of
+   :func:`urlopen`.
+.. method:: BaseHandler.http_error_nnn(req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
+   *nnn* should be a three-digit HTTP error code.  This method is also not defined
+   in :class:`BaseHandler`, but will be called, if it exists, on an instance of a
+   subclass, when an HTTP error with code *nnn* occurs.
+   Subclasses should override this method to handle specific HTTP errors.
+   Arguments, return values and exceptions raised should be the same as for
+   :meth:`http_error_default`.
+.. method:: BaseHandler.protocol_request(req)
+   :noindex:
+   This method is *not* defined in :class:`BaseHandler`, but subclasses should
+   define it if they want to pre-process requests of the given protocol.
+   This method, if defined, will be called by the parent :class:`OpenerDirector`.
+   *req* will be a :class:`Request` object. The return value should be a
+   :class:`Request` object.
+.. method:: BaseHandler.protocol_response(req, response)
+   :noindex:
+   This method is *not* defined in :class:`BaseHandler`, but subclasses should
+   define it if they want to post-process responses of the given protocol.
+   This method, if defined, will be called by the parent :class:`OpenerDirector`.
+   *req* will be a :class:`Request` object. *response* will be an object
+   implementing the same interface as the return value of :func:`urlopen`.  The
+   return value should implement the same interface as the return value of
+   :func:`urlopen`.
+.. _http-redirect-handler:
+HTTPRedirectHandler Objects
+.. note::
+   Some HTTP redirections require action from this module's client code.  If this
+   is the case, :exc:`HTTPError` is raised.  See :rfc:`2616` for details of the
+   precise meanings of the various redirection codes.
+.. method:: HTTPRedirectHandler.redirect_request(req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
+   Return a :class:`Request` or ``None`` in response to a redirect. This is called
+   by the default implementations of the :meth:`http_error_30\*` methods when a
+   redirection is received from the server.  If a redirection should take place,
+   return a new :class:`Request` to allow :meth:`http_error_30\*` to perform the
+   redirect.  Otherwise, raise :exc:`HTTPError` if no other handler should try to
+   handle this URL, or return ``None`` if you can't but another handler might.
+   .. note::
+      The default implementation of this method does not strictly follow :rfc:`2616`,
+      which says that 301 and 302 responses to ``POST`` requests must not be
+      automatically redirected without confirmation by the user.  In reality, browsers
+      do allow automatic redirection of these responses, changing the POST to a
+      ``GET``, and the default implementation reproduces this behavior.
+.. method:: HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_301(req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
+   Redirect to the ``Location:`` URL.  This method is called by the parent
+   :class:`OpenerDirector` when getting an HTTP 'moved permanently' response.
+.. method:: HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_302(req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
+   The same as :meth:`http_error_301`, but called for the 'found' response.
+.. method:: HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_303(req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
+   The same as :meth:`http_error_301`, but called for the 'see other' response.
+.. method:: HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_307(req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
+   The same as :meth:`http_error_301`, but called for the 'temporary redirect'
+   response.
+.. _http-cookie-processor:
+HTTPCookieProcessor Objects
+:class:`HTTPCookieProcessor` instances have one attribute:
+.. attribute:: HTTPCookieProcessor.cookiejar
+   The :class:`http.cookiejar.CookieJar` in which cookies are stored.
+.. _proxy-handler:
+ProxyHandler Objects
+.. method:: ProxyHandler.protocol_open(request)
+   :noindex:
+   The :class:`ProxyHandler` will have a method :meth:`protocol_open` for every
+   *protocol* which has a proxy in the *proxies* dictionary given in the
+   constructor.  The method will modify requests to go through the proxy, by
+   calling ``request.set_proxy()``, and call the next handler in the chain to
+   actually execute the protocol.
+.. _http-password-mgr:
+HTTPPasswordMgr Objects
+These methods are available on :class:`HTTPPasswordMgr` and
+:class:`HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm` objects.
+.. method:: HTTPPasswordMgr.add_password(realm, uri, user, passwd)
+   *uri* can be either a single URI, or a sequence of URIs. *realm*, *user* and
+   *passwd* must be strings. This causes ``(user, passwd)`` to be used as
+   authentication tokens when authentication for *realm* and a super-URI of any of
+   the given URIs is given.
+.. method:: HTTPPasswordMgr.find_user_password(realm, authuri)
+   Get user/password for given realm and URI, if any.  This method will return
+   ``(None, None)`` if there is no matching user/password.
+   For :class:`HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm` objects, the realm ``None`` will be
+   searched if the given *realm* has no matching user/password.
+.. _abstract-basic-auth-handler:
+AbstractBasicAuthHandler Objects
+.. method:: AbstractBasicAuthHandler.http_error_auth_reqed(authreq, host, req, headers)
+   Handle an authentication request by getting a user/password pair, and re-trying
+   the request.  *authreq* should be the name of the header where the information
+   about the realm is included in the request, *host* specifies the URL and path to
+   authenticate for, *req* should be the (failed) :class:`Request` object, and
+   *headers* should be the error headers.
+   *host* is either an authority (e.g. ``"python.org"``) or a URL containing an
+   authority component (e.g. ``"http://python.org/"``). In either case, the
+   authority must not contain a userinfo component (so, ``"python.org"`` and
+   ``"python.org:80"`` are fine, ``"joe:password at python.org"`` is not).
+.. _http-basic-auth-handler:
+HTTPBasicAuthHandler Objects
+.. method:: HTTPBasicAuthHandler.http_error_401(req, fp, code,  msg, hdrs)
+   Retry the request with authentication information, if available.
+.. _proxy-basic-auth-handler:
+ProxyBasicAuthHandler Objects
+.. method:: ProxyBasicAuthHandler.http_error_407(req, fp, code,  msg, hdrs)
+   Retry the request with authentication information, if available.
+.. _abstract-digest-auth-handler:
+AbstractDigestAuthHandler Objects
+.. method:: AbstractDigestAuthHandler.http_error_auth_reqed(authreq, host, req, headers)
+   *authreq* should be the name of the header where the information about the realm
+   is included in the request, *host* should be the host to authenticate to, *req*
+   should be the (failed) :class:`Request` object, and *headers* should be the
+   error headers.
+.. _http-digest-auth-handler:
+HTTPDigestAuthHandler Objects
+.. method:: HTTPDigestAuthHandler.http_error_401(req, fp, code,  msg, hdrs)
+   Retry the request with authentication information, if available.
+.. _proxy-digest-auth-handler:
+ProxyDigestAuthHandler Objects
+.. method:: ProxyDigestAuthHandler.http_error_407(req, fp, code,  msg, hdrs)
+   Retry the request with authentication information, if available.
+.. _http-handler-objects:
+HTTPHandler Objects
+.. method:: HTTPHandler.http_open(req)
+   Send an HTTP request, which can be either GET or POST, depending on
+   ``req.has_data()``.
+.. _https-handler-objects:
+HTTPSHandler Objects
+.. method:: HTTPSHandler.https_open(req)
+   Send an HTTPS request, which can be either GET or POST, depending on
+   ``req.has_data()``.
+.. _file-handler-objects:
+FileHandler Objects
+.. method:: FileHandler.file_open(req)
+   Open the file locally, if there is no host name, or the host name is
+   ``'localhost'``. Change the protocol to ``ftp`` otherwise, and retry opening it
+   using :attr:`parent`.
+.. _ftp-handler-objects:
+FTPHandler Objects
+.. method:: FTPHandler.ftp_open(req)
+   Open the FTP file indicated by *req*. The login is always done with empty
+   username and password.
+.. _cacheftp-handler-objects:
+CacheFTPHandler Objects
+:class:`CacheFTPHandler` objects are :class:`FTPHandler` objects with the
+following additional methods:
+.. method:: CacheFTPHandler.setTimeout(t)
+   Set timeout of connections to *t* seconds.
+.. method:: CacheFTPHandler.setMaxConns(m)
+   Set maximum number of cached connections to *m*.
+.. _unknown-handler-objects:
+UnknownHandler Objects
+.. method:: UnknownHandler.unknown_open()
+   Raise a :exc:`URLError` exception.
+.. _http-error-processor-objects:
+HTTPErrorProcessor Objects
+.. method:: HTTPErrorProcessor.unknown_open()
+   Process HTTP error responses.
+   For 200 error codes, the response object is returned immediately.
+   For non-200 error codes, this simply passes the job on to the
+   :meth:`protocol_error_code` handler methods, via :meth:`OpenerDirector.error`.
+   Eventually, :class:`urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler` will raise an
+   :exc:`HTTPError` if no other handler handles the error.
+.. _urllib2-examples:
+This example gets the python.org main page and displays the first 100 bytes of
+   >>> import urllib.request
+   >>> f = urllib.request.urlopen('http://www.python.org/')
+   >>> print(f.read(100))
+   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+   <?xml-stylesheet href="./css/ht2html
+Here we are sending a data-stream to the stdin of a CGI and reading the data it
+returns to us. Note that this example will only work when the Python
+installation supports SSL. ::
+   >>> import urllib.request
+   >>> req = urllib.request.Request(url='https://localhost/cgi-bin/test.cgi',
+   ...                       data='This data is passed to stdin of the CGI')
+   >>> f = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
+   >>> print(f.read())
+   Got Data: "This data is passed to stdin of the CGI"
+The code for the sample CGI used in the above example is::
+   #!/usr/bin/env python
+   import sys
+   data = sys.stdin.read()
+   print('Content-type: text-plain\n\nGot Data: "%s"' % data)
+Use of Basic HTTP Authentication::
+   import urllib.request
+   # Create an OpenerDirector with support for Basic HTTP Authentication...
+   auth_handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
+   auth_handler.add_password(realm='PDQ Application',
+                             uri='https://mahler:8092/site-updates.py',
+                             user='klem',
+                             passwd='kadidd!ehopper')
+   opener = urllib.request.build_opener(auth_handler)
+   # ...and install it globally so it can be used with urlopen.
+   urllib.request.install_opener(opener)
+   urllib.request.urlopen('http://www.example.com/login.html')
+:func:`build_opener` provides many handlers by default, including a
+:class:`ProxyHandler`.  By default, :class:`ProxyHandler` uses the environment
+variables named ``<scheme>_proxy``, where ``<scheme>`` is the URL scheme
+involved.  For example, the :envvar:`http_proxy` environment variable is read to
+obtain the HTTP proxy's URL.
+This example replaces the default :class:`ProxyHandler` with one that uses
+programatically-supplied proxy URLs, and adds proxy authorization support with
+:class:`ProxyBasicAuthHandler`. ::
+   proxy_handler = urllib.request.ProxyHandler({'http': 'http://www.example.com:3128/'})
+   proxy_auth_handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
+   proxy_auth_handler.add_password('realm', 'host', 'username', 'password')
+   opener = build_opener(proxy_handler, proxy_auth_handler)
+   # This time, rather than install the OpenerDirector, we use it directly:
+   opener.open('http://www.example.com/login.html')
+Adding HTTP headers:
+Use the *headers* argument to the :class:`Request` constructor, or::
+   import urllib
+   req = urllib.request.Request('http://www.example.com/')
+   req.add_header('Referer', 'http://www.python.org/')
+   r = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
+:class:`OpenerDirector` automatically adds a :mailheader:`User-Agent` header to
+every :class:`Request`.  To change this::
+   import urllib
+   opener = urllib.request.build_opener()
+   opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')]
+   opener.open('http://www.example.com/')
+Also, remember that a few standard headers (:mailheader:`Content-Length`,
+:mailheader:`Content-Type` and :mailheader:`Host`) are added when the
+:class:`Request` is passed to :func:`urlopen` (or :meth:`OpenerDirector.open`).
+.. _urllib-examples:
+Here is an example session that uses the ``GET`` method to retrieve a URL
+containing parameters::
+   >>> import urllib.request
+   >>> import urllib.parse
+   >>> params = urllib.parse.urlencode({'spam': 1, 'eggs': 2, 'bacon': 0})
+   >>> f = urllib.request.urlopen("http://www.musi-cal.com/cgi-bin/query?%s" % params)
+   >>> print(f.read())
+The following example uses the ``POST`` method instead::
+   >>> import urllib.request
+   >>> import urllib.parse
+   >>> params = urllib.parse.urlencode({'spam': 1, 'eggs': 2, 'bacon': 0})
+   >>> f = urllib.request.urlopen("http://www.musi-cal.com/cgi-bin/query", params)
+   >>> print(f.read())
+The following example uses an explicitly specified HTTP proxy, overriding
+environment settings::
+   >>> import urllib.request
+   >>> proxies = {'http': 'http://proxy.example.com:8080/'}
+   >>> opener = urllib.request.FancyURLopener(proxies)
+   >>> f = opener.open("http://www.python.org")
+   >>> f.read()
+The following example uses no proxies at all, overriding environment settings::
+   >>> import urllib.request
+   >>> opener = urllib.request.FancyURLopener({})
+   >>> f = opener.open("http://www.python.org/")
+   >>> f.read()
+:mod:`urllib.request` Restrictions
+  .. index::
+     pair: HTTP; protocol
+     pair: FTP; protocol
+* Currently, only the following protocols are supported: HTTP, (versions 0.9 and
+  1.0),  FTP, and local files.
+* The caching feature of :func:`urlretrieve` has been disabled until I find the
+  time to hack proper processing of Expiration time headers.
+* There should be a function to query whether a particular URL is in the cache.
+* For backward compatibility, if a URL appears to point to a local file but the
+  file can't be opened, the URL is re-interpreted using the FTP protocol.  This
+  can sometimes cause confusing error messages.
+* The :func:`urlopen` and :func:`urlretrieve` functions can cause arbitrarily
+  long delays while waiting for a network connection to be set up.  This means
+  that it is difficult to build an interactive Web client using these functions
+  without using threads.
+  .. index::
+     single: HTML
+     pair: HTTP; protocol
+* The data returned by :func:`urlopen` or :func:`urlretrieve` is the raw data
+  returned by the server.  This may be binary data (such as an image), plain text
+  or (for example) HTML.  The HTTP protocol provides type information in the reply
+  header, which can be inspected by looking at the :mailheader:`Content-Type`
+  header.  If the returned data is HTML, you can use the module
+  :mod:`html.parser` to parse it.
+  .. index:: single: FTP
+* The code handling the FTP protocol cannot differentiate between a file and a
+  directory.  This can lead to unexpected behavior when attempting to read a URL
+  that points to a file that is not accessible.  If the URL ends in a ``/``, it is
+  assumed to refer to a directory and will be handled accordingly.  But if an
+  attempt to read a file leads to a 550 error (meaning the URL cannot be found or
+  is not accessible, often for permission reasons), then the path is treated as a
+  directory in order to handle the case when a directory is specified by a URL but
+  the trailing ``/`` has been left off.  This can cause misleading results when
+  you try to fetch a file whose read permissions make it inaccessible; the FTP
+  code will try to read it, fail with a 550 error, and then perform a directory
+  listing for the unreadable file. If fine-grained control is needed, consider
+  using the :mod:`ftplib` module, subclassing :class:`FancyURLOpener`, or changing
+  *_urlopener* to meet your needs.
+:mod:`urllib.response` --- Response classes used by urllib.
+.. module:: urllib.response
+   :synopsis: Response classes used by urllib.
+The :mod:`urllib.response` module defines functions and classes which define a
+minimal file like interface, including read() and readline(). The typical
+response object is an addinfourl instance, which defines and info() method and
+that returns headers and a geturl() method that returns the url. 
+Functions defined by this module are used internally by the
+:mod:`urllib.request` module.

Added: python/branches/py3k-urllib/Doc/library/urllib.robotparser.rst
--- (empty file)
+++ python/branches/py3k-urllib/Doc/library/urllib.robotparser.rst	Mon Jun 23 04:33:01 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+:mod:`urllib.robotparser` ---  Parser for robots.txt
+.. module:: urllib.robotparser
+   :synopsis: Loads a robots.txt file and answers questions about
+              fetchability of other URLs.
+.. sectionauthor:: Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com>
+.. index::
+   single: WWW
+   single: World Wide Web
+   single: URL
+   single: robots.txt
+This module provides a single class, :class:`RobotFileParser`, which answers
+questions about whether or not a particular user agent can fetch a URL on the
+Web site that published the :file:`robots.txt` file.  For more details on the
+structure of :file:`robots.txt` files, see http://www.robotstxt.org/orig.html.
+.. class:: RobotFileParser()
+   This class provides a set of methods to read, parse and answer questions
+   about a single :file:`robots.txt` file.
+   .. method:: set_url(url)
+      Sets the URL referring to a :file:`robots.txt` file.
+   .. method:: read()
+      Reads the :file:`robots.txt` URL and feeds it to the parser.
+   .. method:: parse(lines)
+      Parses the lines argument.
+   .. method:: can_fetch(useragent, url)
+      Returns ``True`` if the *useragent* is allowed to fetch the *url*
+      according to the rules contained in the parsed :file:`robots.txt`
+      file.
+   .. method:: mtime()
+      Returns the time the ``robots.txt`` file was last fetched.  This is
+      useful for long-running web spiders that need to check for new
+      ``robots.txt`` files periodically.
+   .. method:: modified()
+      Sets the time the ``robots.txt`` file was last fetched to the current
+      time.
+The following example demonstrates basic use of the RobotFileParser class. ::
+   >>> import urllib.robotparser
+   >>> rp = urllib.robotparser.RobotFileParser()
+   >>> rp.set_url("http://www.musi-cal.com/robots.txt")
+   >>> rp.read()
+   >>> rp.can_fetch("*", "http://www.musi-cal.com/cgi-bin/search?city=San+Francisco")
+   False
+   >>> rp.can_fetch("*", "http://www.musi-cal.com/")
+   True

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