[Python-3000-checkins] r61359 - python/branches/py3k/Tools/scripts/texcheck.py

raymond.hettinger python-3000-checkins at python.org
Thu Mar 13 03:05:52 CET 2008

Author: raymond.hettinger
Date: Thu Mar 13 03:05:52 2008
New Revision: 61359

The texcheck script is not needed with reST documentation.

Deleted: /python/branches/py3k/Tools/scripts/texcheck.py
--- /python/branches/py3k/Tools/scripts/texcheck.py	Thu Mar 13 03:05:52 2008
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-""" TeXcheck.py -- rough syntax checking on Python style LaTeX documents.
-   Written by Raymond D. Hettinger <python at rcn.com>
-   Copyright (c) 2003 Python Software Foundation.  All rights reserved.
-Designed to catch common markup errors including:
-* Unbalanced or mismatched parenthesis, brackets, and braces.
-* Unbalanced or mismatched \\begin and \\end blocks.
-* Misspelled or invalid LaTeX commands.
-* Use of forward slashes instead of backslashes for commands.
-* Table line size mismatches.
-Sample command line usage:
-    python texcheck.py -k chapterheading -m lib/librandomtex *.tex
-    -m          Munge parenthesis and brackets. [0,n) would normally mismatch.
-    -k keyword: Keyword is a valid LaTeX command. Do not include the backslash.
-    -d:         Delimiter check only (useful for non-LaTeX files).
-    -h:         Help
-    -s lineno:  Start at lineno (useful for skipping complex sections).
-    -v:         Verbose.  Trace the matching of //begin and //end blocks.
-import re
-import sys
-import getopt
-from itertools import izip, count, islice
-import glob
-cmdstr = r"""
-    \section \module \declaremodule \modulesynopsis \moduleauthor
-    \sectionauthor \versionadded \code \class \method \begin
-    \optional \var \ref \end \subsection \lineiii \hline \label
-    \indexii \textrm \ldots \keyword \stindex \index \item \note
-    \withsubitem \ttindex \footnote \citetitle \samp \opindex
-    \noindent \exception \strong \dfn \ctype \obindex \character
-    \indexiii \function \bifuncindex \refmodule \refbimodindex
-    \subsubsection \nodename \member \chapter \emph \ASCII \UNIX
-    \regexp \program \production \token \productioncont \term
-    \grammartoken \lineii \seemodule \file \EOF \documentclass
-    \usepackage \title \input \maketitle \ifhtml \fi \url \Cpp
-    \tableofcontents \kbd \programopt \envvar \refstmodindex
-    \cfunction \constant \NULL \moreargs \cfuncline \cdata
-    \textasciicircum \n \ABC \setindexsubitem \versionchanged
-    \deprecated \seetext \newcommand \POSIX \pep \warning \rfc
-    \verbatiminput \methodline \textgreater \seetitle \lineiv
-    \funclineni \ulink \manpage \funcline \dataline \unspecified
-    \textbackslash \mimetype \mailheader \seepep \textunderscore
-    \longprogramopt \infinity \plusminus \shortversion \version
-    \refmodindex \seerfc \makeindex \makemodindex \renewcommand
-    \indexname \appendix \protect \indexiv \mbox \textasciitilde
-    \platform \seeurl \leftmargin \labelwidth \localmoduletable
-    \LaTeX \copyright \memberline \backslash \pi \centerline
-    \caption \vspace \textwidth \menuselection \textless
-    \makevar \csimplemacro \menuselection \bfcode \sub \release
-    \email \kwindex \refexmodindex \filenq \e \menuselection
-    \exindex \linev \newsgroup \verbatim \setshortversion
-    \author \authoraddress \paragraph \subparagraph \cmemberline
-    \textbar \C \seelink
-def matchclose(c_lineno, c_symbol, openers, pairmap):
-    "Verify that closing delimiter matches most recent opening delimiter"
-    try:
-        o_lineno, o_symbol = openers.pop()
-    except IndexError:
-        print("\nDelimiter mismatch.  On line %d, encountered closing '%s' without corresponding open" % (c_lineno, c_symbol))
-        return
-    if o_symbol in pairmap.get(c_symbol, [c_symbol]): return
-    print("\nOpener '%s' on line %d was not closed before encountering '%s' on line %d" % (o_symbol, o_lineno, c_symbol, c_lineno))
-    return
-def checkit(source, opts, morecmds=[]):
-    """Check the LaTeX formatting in a sequence of lines.
-    Opts is a mapping of options to option values if any:
-        -m          munge parenthesis and brackets
-        -d          delimiters only checking
-        -v          verbose trace of delimiter matching
-        -s lineno:  linenumber to start scan (default is 1).
-    Morecmds is a sequence of LaTeX commands (without backslashes) that
-    are to be considered valid in the scan.
-    """
-    texcmd = re.compile(r'\\[A-Za-z]+')
-    falsetexcmd = re.compile(r'\/([A-Za-z]+)') # Mismarked with forward slash
-    validcmds = set(cmdstr.split())
-    for cmd in morecmds:
-        validcmds.add('\\' + cmd)
-    if '-m' in opts:
-        pairmap = {']':'[(', ')':'(['}      # Munged openers
-    else:
-        pairmap = {']':'[', ')':'('}        # Normal opener for a given closer
-    openpunct = set('([')                   # Set of valid openers
-    delimiters = re.compile(r'\\(begin|end){([_a-zA-Z]+)}|([()\[\]])')
-    braces = re.compile(r'({)|(})')
-    doubledwords = re.compile(r'(\b[A-za-z]+\b) \b\1\b')
-    spacingmarkup = re.compile(r'\\(ABC|ASCII|C|Cpp|EOF|infinity|NULL|plusminus|POSIX|UNIX)\s')
-    openers = []                            # Stack of pending open delimiters
-    bracestack = []                         # Stack of pending open braces
-    tablestart = re.compile(r'\\begin{(?:long)?table([iv]+)}')
-    tableline = re.compile(r'\\line([iv]+){')
-    tableend = re.compile(r'\\end{(?:long)?table([iv]+)}')
-    tablelevel = ''
-    tablestartline = 0
-    startline = int(opts.get('-s', '1'))
-    lineno = 0
-    for lineno, line in izip(count(startline), islice(source, startline-1, None)):
-        line = line.rstrip()
-        # Check balancing of open/close parenthesis, brackets, and begin/end blocks
-        for begend, name, punct in delimiters.findall(line):
-            if '-v' in opts:
-                print(lineno, '|', begend, name, punct, end=' ')
-            if begend == 'begin' and '-d' not in opts:
-                openers.append((lineno, name))
-            elif punct in openpunct:
-                openers.append((lineno, punct))
-            elif begend == 'end' and '-d' not in opts:
-                matchclose(lineno, name, openers, pairmap)
-            elif punct in pairmap:
-                matchclose(lineno, punct, openers, pairmap)
-            if '-v' in opts:
-                print('   --> ', openers)
-        # Balance opening and closing braces
-        for open, close in braces.findall(line):
-            if open == '{':
-                bracestack.append(lineno)
-            if close == '}':
-                try:
-                    bracestack.pop()
-                except IndexError:
-                    print(r'Warning, unmatched } on line %s.' % (lineno,))
-        # Optionally, skip LaTeX specific checks
-        if '-d' in opts:
-            continue
-        # Warn whenever forward slashes encountered with a LaTeX command
-        for cmd in falsetexcmd.findall(line):
-            if '822' in line or '.html' in line:
-                continue    # Ignore false positives for urls and for /rfc822
-            if '\\' + cmd in validcmds:
-                print('Warning, forward slash used on line %d with cmd: /%s' % (lineno, cmd))
-        # Check for markup requiring {} for correct spacing
-        for cmd in spacingmarkup.findall(line):
-            print(r'Warning, \%s should be written as \%s{} on line %d' % (cmd, cmd, lineno))
-        # Validate commands
-        nc = line.find(r'\newcommand')
-        if nc != -1:
-            start = line.find('{', nc)
-            end = line.find('}', start)
-            validcmds.add(line[start+1:end])
-        for cmd in texcmd.findall(line):
-            if cmd not in validcmds:
-                print(r'Warning, unknown tex cmd on line %d: \%s' % (lineno, cmd))
-        # Check table levels (make sure lineii only inside tableii)
-        m = tablestart.search(line)
-        if m:
-            tablelevel = m.group(1)
-            tablestartline = lineno
-        m = tableline.search(line)
-        if m and m.group(1) != tablelevel:
-            print(r'Warning, \line%s on line %d does not match \table%s on line %d' % (m.group(1), lineno, tablelevel, tablestartline))
-        if tableend.search(line):
-            tablelevel = ''
-        # Style guide warnings
-        if 'e.g.' in line or 'i.e.' in line:
-            print(r'Style warning, avoid use of i.e or e.g. on line %d' % (lineno,))
-        for dw in doubledwords.findall(line):
-            print(r'Doubled word warning.  "%s" on line %d' % (dw, lineno))
-    lastline = lineno
-    for lineno, symbol in openers:
-        print("Unmatched open delimiter '%s' on line %d" % (symbol, lineno))
-    for lineno in bracestack:
-        print("Unmatched { on line %d" % (lineno,))
-    print('Done checking %d lines.' % (lastline,))
-    return 0
-def main(args=None):
-    if args is None:
-        args = sys.argv[1:]
-    optitems, arglist = getopt.getopt(args, "k:mdhs:v")
-    opts = dict(optitems)
-    if '-h' in opts or args==[]:
-        print(__doc__)
-        return 0
-    if len(arglist) < 1:
-        print('Please specify a file to be checked')
-        return 1
-    for i, filespec in enumerate(arglist):
-        if '*' in filespec or '?' in filespec:
-            arglist[i:i+1] = glob.glob(filespec)
-    morecmds = [v for k,v in optitems if k=='-k']
-    err = []
-    for filename in arglist:
-        print('=' * 30)
-        print("Checking", filename)
-        try:
-            f = open(filename)
-        except IOError:
-            print('Cannot open file %s.' % arglist[0])
-            return 2
-        try:
-            err.append(checkit(f, opts, morecmds))
-        finally:
-            f.close()
-    return max(err)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    sys.exit(main())

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