[Python-3000-checkins] r63011 - in python/branches/py3k: Doc/library/fpformat.rst Lib/fpformat.py Lib/test/test_fpformat.py Misc/NEWS

brett.cannon python-3000-checkins at python.org
Sun May 11 00:03:17 CEST 2008

Author: brett.cannon
Date: Sun May 11 00:03:16 2008
New Revision: 63011

Remove the fpformat module.


Deleted: python/branches/py3k/Doc/library/fpformat.rst
--- python/branches/py3k/Doc/library/fpformat.rst	Sun May 11 00:03:16 2008
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-:mod:`fpformat` --- Floating point conversions
-.. module:: fpformat
-   :synopsis: General floating point formatting functions.
-.. sectionauthor:: Moshe Zadka <moshez at zadka.site.co.il>
-The :mod:`fpformat` module defines functions for dealing with floating point
-numbers representations in 100% pure Python.
-.. note::
-   This module is unnecessary: everything here can be done using the string
-   formatting functions described in the :ref:`string-formatting` section.
-The :mod:`fpformat` module defines the following functions and an exception:
-.. function:: fix(x, digs)
-   Format *x* as ``[-]ddd.ddd`` with *digs* digits after the point and at least one
-   digit before. If ``digs <= 0``, the decimal point is suppressed.
-   *x* can be either a number or a string that looks like one. *digs* is an
-   integer.
-   Return value is a string.
-.. function:: sci(x, digs)
-   Format *x* as ``[-]d.dddE[+-]ddd`` with *digs* digits after the  point and
-   exactly one digit before. If ``digs <= 0``, one digit is kept and the point is
-   suppressed.
-   *x* can be either a real number, or a string that looks like one. *digs* is an
-   integer.
-   Return value is a string.
-.. exception:: NotANumber
-   Exception raised when a string passed to :func:`fix` or :func:`sci` as the *x*
-   parameter does not look like a number. This is a subclass of :exc:`ValueError`
-   when the standard exceptions are strings.  The exception value is the improperly
-   formatted string that caused the exception to be raised.
-   >>> import fpformat
-   >>> fpformat.fix(1.23, 1)
-   '1.2'

Deleted: python/branches/py3k/Lib/fpformat.py
--- python/branches/py3k/Lib/fpformat.py	Sun May 11 00:03:16 2008
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-"""General floating point formatting functions.
-fix(x, digits_behind)
-sci(x, digits_behind)
-Each takes a number or a string and a number of digits as arguments.
-x:             number to be formatted; or a string resembling a number
-digits_behind: number of digits behind the decimal point
-import re
-__all__ = ["fix","sci","NotANumber"]
-# Compiled regular expression to "decode" a number
-decoder = re.compile(r'^([-+]?)0*(\d*)((?:\.\d*)?)(([eE][-+]?\d+)?)$')
-# \0 the whole thing
-# \1 leading sign or empty
-# \2 digits left of decimal point
-# \3 fraction (empty or begins with point)
-# \4 exponent part (empty or begins with 'e' or 'E')
-    class NotANumber(ValueError):
-        pass
-except TypeError:
-    NotANumber = 'fpformat.NotANumber'
-def extract(s):
-    """Return (sign, intpart, fraction, expo) or raise an exception:
-    sign is '+' or '-'
-    intpart is 0 or more digits beginning with a nonzero
-    fraction is 0 or more digits
-    expo is an integer"""
-    res = decoder.match(s)
-    if res is None: raise NotANumber(s)
-    sign, intpart, fraction, exppart = res.group(1,2,3,4)
-    if sign == '+': sign = ''
-    if fraction: fraction = fraction[1:]
-    if exppart: expo = int(exppart[1:])
-    else: expo = 0
-    return sign, intpart, fraction, expo
-def unexpo(intpart, fraction, expo):
-    """Remove the exponent by changing intpart and fraction."""
-    if expo > 0: # Move the point left
-        f = len(fraction)
-        intpart, fraction = intpart + fraction[:expo], fraction[expo:]
-        if expo > f:
-            intpart = intpart + '0'*(expo-f)
-    elif expo < 0: # Move the point right
-        i = len(intpart)
-        intpart, fraction = intpart[:expo], intpart[expo:] + fraction
-        if expo < -i:
-            fraction = '0'*(-expo-i) + fraction
-    return intpart, fraction
-def roundfrac(intpart, fraction, digs):
-    """Round or extend the fraction to size digs."""
-    f = len(fraction)
-    if f <= digs:
-        return intpart, fraction + '0'*(digs-f)
-    i = len(intpart)
-    if i+digs < 0:
-        return '0'*-digs, ''
-    total = intpart + fraction
-    nextdigit = total[i+digs]
-    if nextdigit >= '5': # Hard case: increment last digit, may have carry!
-        n = i + digs - 1
-        while n >= 0:
-            if total[n] != '9': break
-            n = n-1
-        else:
-            total = '0' + total
-            i = i+1
-            n = 0
-        total = total[:n] + chr(ord(total[n]) + 1) + '0'*(len(total)-n-1)
-        intpart, fraction = total[:i], total[i:]
-    if digs >= 0:
-        return intpart, fraction[:digs]
-    else:
-        return intpart[:digs] + '0'*-digs, ''
-def fix(x, digs):
-    """Format x as [-]ddd.ddd with 'digs' digits after the point
-    and at least one digit before.
-    If digs <= 0, the point is suppressed."""
-    if type(x) != type(''): x = repr(x)
-    try:
-        sign, intpart, fraction, expo = extract(x)
-    except NotANumber:
-        return x
-    intpart, fraction = unexpo(intpart, fraction, expo)
-    intpart, fraction = roundfrac(intpart, fraction, digs)
-    while intpart and intpart[0] == '0': intpart = intpart[1:]
-    if intpart == '': intpart = '0'
-    if digs > 0: return sign + intpart + '.' + fraction
-    else: return sign + intpart
-def sci(x, digs):
-    """Format x as [-]d.dddE[+-]ddd with 'digs' digits after the point
-    and exactly one digit before.
-    If digs is <= 0, one digit is kept and the point is suppressed."""
-    if type(x) != type(''): x = repr(x)
-    sign, intpart, fraction, expo = extract(x)
-    if not intpart:
-        while fraction and fraction[0] == '0':
-            fraction = fraction[1:]
-            expo = expo - 1
-        if fraction:
-            intpart, fraction = fraction[0], fraction[1:]
-            expo = expo - 1
-        else:
-            intpart = '0'
-    else:
-        expo = expo + len(intpart) - 1
-        intpart, fraction = intpart[0], intpart[1:] + fraction
-    digs = max(0, digs)
-    intpart, fraction = roundfrac(intpart, fraction, digs)
-    if len(intpart) > 1:
-        intpart, fraction, expo = \
-            intpart[0], intpart[1:] + fraction[:-1], \
-            expo + len(intpart) - 1
-    s = sign + intpart
-    if digs > 0: s = s + '.' + fraction
-    e = repr(abs(expo))
-    e = '0'*(3-len(e)) + e
-    if expo < 0: e = '-' + e
-    else: e = '+' + e
-    return s + 'e' + e
-def test():
-    """Interactive test run."""
-    try:
-        while 1:
-            x, digs = input('Enter (x, digs): ')
-            print(x, fix(x, digs), sci(x, digs))
-    except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
-        pass

Deleted: python/branches/py3k/Lib/test/test_fpformat.py
--- python/branches/py3k/Lib/test/test_fpformat.py	Sun May 11 00:03:16 2008
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-   Tests for fpformat module
-   Nick Mathewson
-from test.test_support import run_unittest
-import unittest
-from fpformat import fix, sci, NotANumber
-StringType = type('')
-# Test the old and obsolescent fpformat module.
-# (It's obsolescent because fix(n,d) == "%.*f"%(d,n) and
-#                           sci(n,d) == "%.*e"%(d,n)
-#  for all reasonable numeric n and d, except that sci gives 3 exponent
-#  digits instead of 2.
-# Differences only occur for unreasonable n and d.    <.2 wink>)
-class FpformatTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def checkFix(self, n, digits):
-        result = fix(n, digits)
-        if isinstance(n, StringType):
-            n = repr(n)
-        expected = "%.*f" % (digits, float(n))
-        self.assertEquals(result, expected)
-    def checkSci(self, n, digits):
-        result = sci(n, digits)
-        if isinstance(n, StringType):
-            n = repr(n)
-        expected = "%.*e" % (digits, float(n))
-        # add the extra 0 if needed
-        num, exp = expected.split("e")
-        if len(exp) < 4:
-            exp = exp[0] + "0" + exp[1:]
-        expected = "%se%s" % (num, exp)
-        self.assertEquals(result, expected)
-    def test_basic_cases(self):
-        self.assertEquals(fix(100.0/3, 3), '33.333')
-        self.assertEquals(sci(100.0/3, 3), '3.333e+001')
-    def test_reasonable_values(self):
-        for d in range(7):
-            for val in (1000.0/3, 1000, 1000.0, .002, 1.0/3, 1e10):
-                for realVal in (val, 1.0/val, -val, -1.0/val):
-                    self.checkFix(realVal, d)
-                    self.checkSci(realVal, d)
-    def test_failing_values(self):
-        # Now for 'unreasonable n and d'
-        self.assertEquals(fix(1.0, 1000), '1.'+('0'*1000))
-        self.assertEquals(sci("1"+('0'*1000), 0), '1e+1000')
-        # This behavior is inconsistent.  sci raises an exception; fix doesn't.
-        yacht = "Throatwobbler Mangrove"
-        self.assertEquals(fix(yacht, 10), yacht)
-        try:
-            sci(yacht, 10)
-        except NotANumber:
-            pass
-        else:
-            self.fail("No exception on non-numeric sci")
-def test_main():
-    run_unittest(FpformatTest)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    test_main()

Modified: python/branches/py3k/Misc/NEWS
--- python/branches/py3k/Misc/NEWS	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k/Misc/NEWS	Sun May 11 00:03:16 2008
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
+- The fpformat module has been removed.
 - The dircache module has been removed.
 - The Canvas module has been removed.

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