[Python-3000] Adaptation [was:Re: Iterators for dict keys, values, and items == annoying :)]

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Sun Apr 2 06:23:37 CEST 2006

On 4/1/06, Alex Martelli <aleaxit at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 1, 2006, at 2:40 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
> > Woohoo!  I get it, finally!  Some comments below, but I suddenly feel
> > a little less stupid since I get the whole process now!  =)
> Well, I guess this may be the first time I've presented the thing
> properly, after all these many years -- in which case, the blame
> definitely falls mostly on me ("mostly" only because SOME people got
> it despite my inability to present it properly;-)...
> > I am going to assume an optimization is possible where if an object
> > meets a protocol it doesn't need it's contract explicitly stated.  Is
> OTOH, the blame for spellng "its" as "it's" -- assuming that's what
> you're doing -- IS all on YOUR shoulders, Brett!!!

=)  I blame my homework for my grammatical slip.

> > that reasonable?  The reason I ask is I could see an explosion of
> > registration calls for objects trying to cover every protocol they
> > match and then new protocols that have been defined doing for the
> > objects, etc., and ending up still with some protocols missed since it
> > seems to require some knowledge of what types will work.
> Many optimizations are definitely possible, but I'm not sure which
> ones are worthwhile.
> > Take our __index__ example.  I might want to use an object that I
> > think can be used for indexing a sequence but I don't know about any
> > specific protocols required and neither the __index__ protocol creator
> > nor the object designer knew of each other and thus didn't bother with
> > registering.  Is it still going to work, or am I going to get an
> > exception saying that the object didn't register for some protocol I
> > wasn't aware of?
> Well, *SOME*body must be aware of the type/protocol compliance: it
> could be the protocol's author, the type's author, the application's
> author, or a 4th party whose adaptations-module the application
> imports -- but it cannot just happen "like black magic". Any one of
> the four parties may perform the registration (or whatever other
> action, equivalent e.g. to registering the identify function but
> faster, gets picked as an optimization) -- but defaulting to
> "everything satisfies every protocol" is not a real option.

I am not suggesting the default be that everything satisfies a
protocol.  I am thinking about situations like our __index__
situation; will someone have to explicitly somewhere say that a type
meets the index protocol even if it does implement the __index__

> Consider indexing: we want someseq[x] to fail (with a TypeError or
> thereabouts) if x is an instance of float, decimal.Decimal, gmpy.mpf,
> gmpy.mpq, str, unicode, ... -- a huge host of types that DO supply an
> __int__ (so that int(x) would work), but whose __int__ has
> "significant loss of information" and thus does NOT meet the
> pragmatics of the protocol "being suitable as a sequence index".
> A Python beginner might easily think that a float "can be used for
> indexing a sequence" (with an automatic truncation to int), or even
> that a string can (with an implicit str->int translation) -- but such
> a beginner would be dead wrong.  If you defaulted adaptation to
> "everything satisfies every protocol unless otherwise stated", you'd
> end up with a LOT of things which "happen to work"... but in fact can
> silently fail, e.g. because a float used to index a sequence is
> sometimes computed as 6.9999, truncated to 6, rather than rounded to
> 7 as the poor beginner expected.  This being Python, *NOT* Perl, I
> most definitely think we do NOT want to go there.
> If you think that, most often, types will be written in full
> knowledge of many existing protocols that they want to support, one
> optimization might be to explicitly mark the types with an optional
> __protocols__ attribute which is a set of directly supported
> protocols.  Istinctively I'm not enthusiastic about this optimization
> -- I'm not sure it would buy you all that much.  Rather, we might
> want to supply an (e.g.) functools.identity built-in function, and
> specialcase it when supplied as "the adapter" in registration (such a
> functools.identity would have other uses too -- sure, 'lambda x: x'
> is easy to write, but having a singleton identity-function might
> allow other optimizations even quite apart from adaptation).
> Semantically, registration suffices -- how best to optimize frequent
> cases, I'm not certain.

Yeah, that is mostly what I am wondering about.  How to make the
registration process simple or unneeded in cases where the protocol is
based on an interface and an object implements the interface but has
not bothered to registered its compliance with the protocol.

> > Also, if defaults are not implied, then a good way to handle
> > registration of classes will need to be developed.  This might be
> > another place where class decorators come in handy over metaclasses
> > since if inheritance comes into play then registering every subclass
> > would be overkill.
> One way to implement __protocols__ would be to have the metaclass
> deal with it, of course -- with or without inheritance (I do believe
> that it would be handier if inheritance of adaptation was in force by
> default, but that's debatable, of course).  But perhaps class
> decorators are even nicer - I'm on the fence on the subject of class
> decorators in general, particularly given the issue of whether they
> should come before the class statement (like function decorators do)
> or inside it (with @class or whatever) - I can see excellent
> arguments on both sides.
> > If we can make the default case for when an object implements a
> > protocol dead-simple (if not automatic) in terms of registering or
> > doing the right thing, then I can see this being really helpful.
> Automatic is way too much, because you'd then have to state all the
> protocols an object does NOT satisfy, which would be many, MANY more
> than those it does meet.  But surely, even without class decorators,
> using:
> class blah(bloh):
>      ... body of class omitted ...
> satisfies_protocols(blah, 'zip', 'zap', 'zop', 'balup')
> isn't TOO complicated -- with
> from functools import identity
> def satisties_protocols(klass, *protocols):
>      for protocol in protocols:
>          register_adapter(klass, protocol, identity)
>      return klass   # currently innocuous, support future decorator-
> like use;-)
> Similarly, if we supported protocol-satisfaction-inheritance by
> default, a simple cannot_satisfy_protocols function could be used to
> REMOVE from blah any protocols that are supported by bloh but blah
> itself cannot support, maybe with a function cannot_support to be
> registered as the adapter.
> I would suggest not focusing too exclusively on these black-and-white
> cases, where a protocol is supported "as is" or is definitely
> unsupported.  Adaptation is at its best where protocols are ALMOST
> supported, and just need some little tweaking/wrapping to become
> fully supported.  For example, renaming methods or prebinding some
> arguments, etc.  These cases are unlikely to matter when somebody is
> coding a new type intended to support existing protocols X, Y and Z
> (it's then simplest for them to just code the new type according to
> those protocols' constraints!) -- but they're going to be common
> where adaptation shines.... for removal of impedance mismatches among
> separately developed types and protocols.  With Python's power, it's
> child's play to make support for such cases into a simple callable,
> too (left as an exercise for the reader, since pasta's just been
> dropped and dinner's impending;-).

Right, the grey area cases will be adaption shows its usefulness, but
the black-and-white cases are what I am used to and thus what I am
going to think about while evaluating this stuff initially.  And I
suspect I am not the only one.

Basically, as long as I don't have to put much effort into making this
work for the common case where I just inherently implement a protocol
(such as iterators) then I am definitely interested in this.


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