[Python-3000] Adaptation

Tim Hochberg tim.hochberg at ieee.org
Sun Apr 2 20:52:16 CEST 2006

Just in case anyone wants to play with a slightly more fleshed out, but 
still simple minded (in a good way) approach to adaption, I've put up an 
implementation here:
It's adaption2, because I decided I didn't like my first try. No 
guarantees that it's not full of bugs, wrongheaded, etc, but it does 
give something concrete to look at.

It's quite similar to the Alex's super-simple proposal, with two main 

1. Protocols are indicated by Protocol objects, not strings. These 
objects just have a name, and no other features, so they aren't any more 
meaningful than strings, but by dint of being objects they can't 
collide. This also makes cancelling protocols a bit simpler.

2. The adaption is P->P, that is from one protocol to another protocol, 
rather than from T->P, that is from type to protocol. This makes things 
marginally more complicated since you need to associate types with 
protocols, but seems better for reasons I can't really articulate right now.

As Alex suggested protocols are inherited by walking the mro for objects 
that have one.

I'll include the module docstring below.



"""adaption -- the worlds fourth most naive implementation of adaption

Based on some post one python-dev-3000 on April 1st, 2006. Alex 
Martelli's being
one of the main ones. Idiocies are all atributable to me (Tim Hochberg), 

The strategy is that objects have associated with them a set of 
protocols. These
protocols are just tags that represent some interface or behaviour of the
object. These tags are associated with the object by registering them
using register_type.

As an example, let's define a sequence type that starts it's indexing at 1:

 >>> class BaseOneSeq(object):
...     def __init__(self, values):
...         self._values = values
...     def __getitem__(self, i):
...         return self._values[i-1]

We need a protocol to describe this class and we then need to register 
the class
so the that the adaption machinery knows that the class and protocol are

 >>> base1seq = Protocol("base1seq")
 >>> register_type(BaseOneSeq, base1seq)

Now we want an adapter to adapt this to a normal sequence.

 >>> class BaseOneSeqToSeq(object):
...     def __init__(self, target):
...         self._target = target
...     def __getitem__(self, i):
...         return self._target[i+1]

Finally, we need to register this adapter:

 >>> register_adapter(base1seq, protocols.sequence, BaseOneSeqToSeq)

Phew. All done, now we can try it out:

 >>> b1 = BaseOneSeq([2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23])
 >>> b1[1], b1[3], b1[5]
(2, 5, 11)

So far, so good. Now to adapt it to a normal, base-0 sequence:
 >>> seq = adapt(b1, protocols.sequence)
 >>> seq[0], seq[2], seq[4]
(2, 5, 11)

Well, that's cool, but it seemed like a lot of work.

Now let's try out a cool, if possibly useless feature. AntiProtocols. 
This time,
we repeat the same problem, but we derive from list to get __len__ and stuff
for free:

 >>> class BaseOneSeq2(list):
...     def __getitem__(self, i):
...         return list.__getitem__(self, i-1)
 >>> register_type(BaseOneSeq2, base1seq)

Notice that this time around is much easier -- we've already done a lot 
of the

 >>> b2 = BaseOneSeq2([2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23])
 >>> b2[1], b2[3], b2[5]
(2, 5, 11)
 >>> len(b2)
 >>> seq2 = adapt(b2, protocols.sequence)
 >>> seq2[0], seq2[2], seq2[4]
(23, 3, 7)


The problem here is that we're inheriting from list and list is a sequence.
If an object already satisfies a protocol, it gets returned from adapt 
To fix that we need to nullify the sequence protocol that BaseOneSeq2 
gets from
list. AntiProtocols to the rescue:

 >>> register_type(BaseOneSeq2, ~protocols.sequence)
 >>> seq3 = adapt(b2, protocols.sequence)
 >>> seq3[0], seq3[2], seq3[4]
(2, 5, 11)

That's all folks.


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