[Python-3000] Adaptation [was:Re: Iterators for dict keys, values, and items == annoying :)]
Walter Dörwald
walter at livinglogic.de
Mon Apr 3 01:39:06 CEST 2006
Alex Martelli wrote:
> On Apr 2, 2006, at 7:11 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
> ...
> [...]
> Say, for example, that protocols are identified (as in my strawman
> proposal) by unique strings anyway. E.g., if I were to invent a
> protocol, I could name it 'it.aleax.myprot' -- since I own the
> aleax.it domain, nobody else could create a name conflict. Saying
> that each framework has a separate registry is just the same as
> saying that each protocol "lives" in one specific registry, so that
> any registration or lookup regarding protocol P *must* also specify
> registryof(P).
Why not make the registry identical to the protocol? The protocol is
just a convention anyway:
class AdaptionError(Exception):
def __init__(self, adaptor, type):
self.adaptor = adaptor
self.type = type
def __str__(self):
return "can adapt %r to %r" % (self.type, self.adaptor)
class Adaptor(object):
def __init__(self):
self.registry = {}
def register(self, adaptor, *types):
for type in types:
self.registry[type] = adaptor
def __call__(self, obj, *args, **kwargs):
for bases in type(obj).__mro__:
return self.registry[bases](obj, *args, **kwargs)
except KeyError:
raise AdaptionError(self, type(obj))
With this, code would look like:
import adapt
formatter = adapt.Adaptor()
def formatnumber(x):
return hex(x)
formatter.register(formatnumber, int, long)
def formatstring(x):
return repr(x)
formatter.register(formatstring, basestring)
print formatter(42)
print formatter(42L)
print formatter("foo")
print formatter(u"bar")
print formatter(None)
(The last call would raise an AdaptionError).
> Hopefully, rather than having to keep this
> correspondence in our human memory, we're allowed to have a registry
> of registries which remembers this correspondence for you: we can
> register_protocol(P, registry) and we can lookup the registry for a
> given protocol with function registryof.
No need for that if each registry is self-contained.
> [...]
>> were defined via some "interface" approach (like zope.interfaces and
>> PyProtocols do) then encapsulation is taken care of by uniqueness of
>> types/interfaces. I know interfaces are outside the scope of what's
>> being proposed right now, but one of their benefits is that they *do*
>> solve this problem. Structured strings naming protocols
>> ("org.python.std.index" or whatever) do this as well, but without
>> language support.
> I did mention that one issue with my "strawman proposal" was exactly
> that it performs no error checking: it entirely relies on programers
> respecting some simple and reasonable conventions, rather than piling
> up machinery to provide enforcement. Much like, oh, say, Python.
> Isn't it just wonderful, how the foes of adaptation switch horses on
> you? First they request a simple-as-dirt, bare-bones "example
> system" -- then as soon as you provide one they come back at you with
> all sort of "cruft" to be piled on top.
I think you might be misinterpreting reactions. If the initial reaction
was "I don't understand it. Nobody needs this." (at least that was my
reaction), you're "strawman proposal" has put us past this. (At least
you got two "I finally got it, this seems useful" from me and Brett.)
So now lets answer the questions: How do we implement adaption of
subtypes? What is a protocol? How can we make registration as painless
as possible? etc.
Walter Dörwald
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