[Python-3000] A few small py3k wishes
Ian Bicking
ianb at colorstudy.com
Mon Apr 3 20:52:01 CEST 2006
Talin wrote:
> -- An easy way to make a case-insensitive, case-preserving
> dict that works with regular string keys.
Adam gave one possible implementation. Another would be a keyed
dictionary, e.g.,: KeyedDict(key=lambda s: s.lower()). A keyed
dictionary would internally call that function on keys to get the "true"
key, but things like .keys() would return the keys that were passed in.
So a minimal implementation...
class KeyedDict(DictMixin):
def __init__(self, key):
self._data = {}
self._key_func = key
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._data[self._key_func(key)][1]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self._data[self._key_func(key)] = (key, value)
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self._data[self._key_func(key)]
def keys(self):
return [t[0] for t in self._data.values()]
> (Another one of my wild ideas was an "order by"
> clause for list comprehensions, but let's not go there.)
Yeah, I'd like that too.
> -- A simple way to import all modules in a directory
> (this would be used for plugins)
I think setuptools entry points (and other things that pkg_resources
has) offer a better model for this. It's not as light as just importing
all modules; but it also works better ;) I think any system
sophisticated enough to use plugins should also start using proper
packages with setup.py and all, not a directory of files.
> -- A mechanism whereby imported modules can import
> symbols from the module that imported them. (Specifically,
> I want to take a bunch of variables in my __main__ module
> and make them accessible to the imported module.)
> -- The module class should have a method to iterate
> over child modules. Currently you can iterator through
> all of its attributes, but you have to filter out which ones
> are modules.
These also seem plugin-related, and I think there are other, better ways
to handle these issues. That's not to say it's obvious what those
better ways are, but they are out there somewhere ;)
> -- A path-globbing function that supports regex-style
> captures.
I'm not sure what you'd propose; like (*).txt?
> -- A path-globbing function that supports the
> perforce-style syntax "..." (three dots) to mean "all descendants".
> So for example, "foo/.../*.cpp" matches any cpp files in
> foo or any of its subdirectories.
I think this would be best to implement as a separate module, and try it
out. I don't feel like the conventions here are well agreed upon;
people agree on what simple file globbing looks like, but I don't really
see any agreed upon conventions for things like this. If you implement
the same API as fnmatch and glob, then your richer globbing will be a
mostly drop-in replacement.
Ian Bicking / ianb at colorstudy.com / http://blog.ianbicking.org
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