[Python-3000] String formating operations in python 3k

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Wed Apr 5 01:51:48 CEST 2006

Greg Ewing wrote:
> Barry Warsaw wrote:
>> Here i disagree.  $-strings are so familiar to people coming from other
>> languages that they instantly "get it".
> I'm more interested in long-term readability
> and maintainability than in pandering to one-off
> impressions when coming from another language.

$-based substitution is very common.  Like most languages, Python uses 
() for calling functions, it uses keywords like "while" and "if", etc. 
It's okay to use the normal form; tweaking some detail off the norm 
because it seems slightly more compact or concise seems questionable to 
me.  Using {} instead of $/${} doesn't seem like a big win.

Ian Bicking  /  ianb at colorstudy.com  /  http://blog.ianbicking.org

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