[Python-3000] Adaptation vs. Generic Functions

Walter Dörwald walter at livinglogic.de
Thu Apr 6 00:26:58 CEST 2006

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On 4/5/06, Walter Dörwald <walter at livinglogic.de> wrote:
>> Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>> On 4/5/06, Tim Hochberg <tim.hochberg at cox.net> wrote:
>>>> I'm hoping that Walter can give some more realistic examples since I
>>>> don't have real-world experience here. The basic idea is simply to let
>>>> an adapter give up and let the protocol try the next adapter. This could
>>>> happen in a generic function, for instance, if you wanted to try some
>>>> fast algorithm for some specific subtypes, but the algorithm might be
>>>> inappropriate depending on the values of the subtypes. You don't find
>>>> that out till your in the adapter itself.
>>> Hm... The alternative, of course, instead of some magic feature, is to
>>> explicitly call the fallback algorithm. That seems totally reasonable
>>> for this example, and is similar to Python's single-inheritance-style
>>> explicit super-call e.g. return BaseClass.methodName(self,
>>> arguments...).
>> For methods you know what your bases classes are,
> Not necessarily in the case of multiple inheritance; that's why Python
> 2.2 added super().


>>  but for adapters
>> that's not necessarily so. Somewhat could have registered another
>> adapter for the base class.
>>> Does anybody know if Phillip Eby's generic functions support this?
>> If I understood Ian's posting
>> (http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2006-April/000481.html)
>> correctly, they do.
>>> I
>>> would think that the definition of "next candidate" can be problematic
>>> there, in case you've broken a tie between two ambiguous possibilities
>>> by registering an explicit tie-breaker. Remove the tie-breaker and
>>> neither alternative dominates the other, so the next candidate is
>>> undefined. This is different from Python's MRO calculations, which
>>> always create a perfect linearization of the base classes.
>> BTW, another useful feature might be the ability to copy the protocol.
>> Then I could register a few other adapters for the copy and use the
>> modified copy for my own purpose.
> Let's not go wild with features;

OK! (Adding a copy method is trivial anyway).

> let's first collect use cases.

For a potential use case see http://bugs.python.org/1351692

Someone wanted to add hex output for ints and long to pprint.pprint(). 
If pprint used a protocol, he could have copied the pprint protocol 
object, replaced the adapter for int and long and used that.

But maybe a better option would be to "subclass" it, so that if the 
adapter isn't found in the subclassed protocol it is searched in the 
base protocol. This has the advantage that the copied protocol picks up 
changes in the base protocol.


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