[Python-3000] Adaptation vs. Generic Functions

Tim Hochberg tim.hochberg at ieee.org
Wed Apr 12 23:17:37 CEST 2006

Here's a little thought experiment:

     What would happen if 'a+b' was just syntactic sugar for
     'operator.add(a,b)', where operator.add was a generic
     function, instead of the current magic dance involving
     __add__ and __radd__.

Neglecting the fact that it would break all Python code now in 
existence, would this be a good thing, a bad thing or can we even tell?

To get the current effect of __add__ and  __radd__, class definitions 
would look something like:

     class Weeble:
     @operator.add.register(Weeble, object)
     def add(a, b): #...
     @operator.add.register(object, Weeble)
     def radd(b, a): #...

That's not too different from today, although it is a little weird that 
add and radd are outside of Weeble. One would also need to need to be 
more flexible about strict dominance, allowing some sorts of ties and 
trying the tied functions one at a time until one worked. (Hmmm... 
perhaps this is the kind of thing Guido was referring to in his blog. If 
so, it bounced off my thick head ;-)

I suppose one could add some metaclass magic to type so that __add__ and 
__radd__ were picked up and registered as above. That would make things 
look superficially the same as now and would be more or less backwards 

On the plus side, there's a lot more flexibility. You could teach two 
types that don't know anything about each other how to play nice 
together simply by registering a couple more adapters to operator.add.

On the minus side, there's perhaps too much flexibility. Any function 
call or module importation or even attribute access could suddenly 
change the behaviour of an unrelated type.

 >>> a = 1
 >>> b = 2
 >>> # this calls operater.add.register(int,int)(lambda a,b:str(a+b))
 >>> c = frobulate()
 >>> a + b

We're all consenting adults here, so should I even worry about this. I 
don't know.

I suspect this falls into the "wild ideas' category, but it's an 
interesting thought experiment anyway. Perhaps with relevance to other 
uses of generic functions.



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