[Python-3000] Adaptation vs. Generic Functions

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Thu Apr 13 17:34:16 CEST 2006

Michael Chermside wrote:
> But in a more realistic situation, the NumPy folks realize that
> many of their users are doing scientific work and a noticable
> number make use of mpz. (The mpz folks are just wrapping an
> external library so they don't think of these things, but that's
> OK since only one of them needs to.) The NumPy folks add the
> following lines of code:
>      try:
>          import mpz
>          @operator.add.register(NumPy.array, mpz.mpz)
>          def leftAdd(array1, mpz1):
>              ... # invoke mpz.rightAdd() on each component
>          @operator.add.register(mpz.mpz, NumPy.array)
>          def rightAdd(mpz1, array1):
>              ... # invoke mpz.leftAdd() on each component
>      except ImportError:
>          pass

A niggling detail here, but with setuptools and package activation 
try:except ImportError: doesn't work very well for these things.  If mpz 
is available through pkg_resources.require(), but not directly 
importable, this may fail until mpz is required.  You don't have to be 
using pkg_resources.require() directly either to see this, though you'll 
only really see it when features are dynamically activated at runtime 
(instead of being activated entirely through requirements statically 
provided in your setup.py/entry_points.txt).

And even if that wasn't a problem, it means mpz would be eagerly loaded 
along with NumPy even if it wasn't needed.  Or if you had to manually 
import this operator.add-glue, then if you forget it is likely to be 
difficult to debug, because there's no *bad* code, just code that is 

This is somewhat tangential to generic functions, but I guess happens 
whenever you have any kind of registry that is modified on import.

Ian Bicking  /  ianb at colorstudy.com  /  http://blog.ianbicking.org

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