[Python-3000] More wishful thinking

Giovanni Bajo rasky at develer.com
Sun Apr 16 00:31:12 CEST 2006

Talin <talin at acm.org> wrote:

> 6) Although I would not want to propose that Python adopt C's
> 'assignment is an expression' behavior, I find myself constantly
> wanting to combine the following two statements into one:
>    m = re.match( ... )
>    if m:
>       # do something with m

I'm sure you were talking more generically, but as for this specific case
(which is indeed very common), I always wondered why re couldn't export
wrappers around bound methods of the last match object, so to allow:

if re.match(...):
   x,y = re.group(1), re.group(2)
elif re.match(..):

There are many other modules in standard library which exposes a function-based
interface where the functions are actually bound methods of a static object
(logging, for instance). If "re" gained this, it'd be great. In fact, this
could probably be done in 2.x as well.

Giovanni Bajo

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