[Python-3000] A super() idea - no _getframe() involved

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Wed Apr 19 15:46:22 CEST 2006

On 4/19/06, Phillip J. Eby <pje at telecommunity.com> wrote:
> >We could probably
> >introduce this in 2.6 if the super object, when called, would return
> >itself; then IMO no __future__ statement would be required since
> >existing code using super would continue to work.
> I assume you mean that the compiler would expand super.attr to the magic
> form, but super() would continue to be old-style.

No, I was suggesting that (perhaps) the keyword 'super', regardless of
context, would expand to an object that behaves like the object
returned by the current super(ClassName, self) call, but that in
addition has a __call__ method that ignores its arguments and returns
itself. Then

  super(C, self).foo(args)

would be equivalent to today's

  super(C, self)(C, self).foo(args)

and the second call would just be a no-op. I believe this is possible
because the only meaningful operation on the return value of
super(...) is __getattr__.

But I'm not dead set on this approach. I do like the idea of
supporting both the old and the new syntax for a while.

> If so, then that still
> *would* require __future__, since you could legitimately have a variable
> named super.

Unfortunately, yes. I'd been hoping that since it's been a built-in
since 2.2, code that uses the name super in any other way would be
rare enough not to care about breaking it. But that's not a very safe
assumption. I think that if we require

  from __future__ import super_keyword

we might as well not bother with the b/w compatibility hack described above.

> >Oh, I believe super() also supports static and/or class methods. I'm
> >not sure how to handle this but I'm sure you can think of something.
> If super.foobar(args) -> super(ThisClass,firstarg).foobar(args), then it
> will Just Work(TM) for class methods, since their first argument is the
> class, and super(someclass,myclass).aClassMethod(...) is the normal way of
> invoking a superclass classmethod.

But how about static methods? Inside a static method, I believe you're
allowed to write


which would call


(assuming single inheritance for a moment) i.e. nothing is added to
the argument list.

That's a bit tricky to do with a super keyword since the compiler
isn't supposed to know what the decorators mean, so it can't switch to
this interpretation depending on whether @staticmethod is present
(there could be a different decorator that happens to have a similar

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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