[Python-3000] auto-super()

Bill Janssen janssen at parc.com
Wed Apr 19 19:12:33 CEST 2006

> Greg Ewing writes:
> > Personally I think that the use of diamond inheritance should be
> > severely discouraged, if not banned completely.

and Aahz replies:
> But multiple inheritance with new-style classes is inherently diamond
> inheritance -- how do you propose to deal with that?

Multiple inheritance, even with diamond inheritance (which really
can't be avoided in most use cases), is so useful in a language where
it's actually supported (like Python), that I can't believe more folks
don't switch to Python just to use it.  Perhaps if Python 3K has real
support for building UIs, there would be more recognition of it -- I
continually encounter cases in re-factoring Java Swing UIs where it
would be very nice to have.  Better "super()" support would also help.


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