[Python-3000] Help needed in py3k branch

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Fri Apr 21 00:26:58 CEST 2006

There are still a bunch of tests failing in the py3k (sic) branch:

test_class fails because hash() of a new-style class that defines
__eq__ or __cmp__ doesn't raise an exception. There's a design issue
here: should the default hash be changed to raise an exception in this
case (perhaps triggering other test failures) or should the tests be
deleted? (This is from a test module that used to test classic

test_exception fails with a SystemError for popping a non-exception
off the stack

test_importhooks fails

test_pickletools fails

test_pyclbr fails

test_scriptpackages fails

a bunch of tests for XML modules all fail (perhaps some of these are
related): minidom, sax, xdrlib, xml_etree

I recently fixed repr.py and test_repr.py, but I wonder if we
shouldn't delete that module...

If anyone wants to help out debugging these, please do! If you solve
one, just mail me a patch (or check it in if you've got checkin perms
and feel confident -- just still drop me a line).

I'd really like the p3yk branch to be error-free so that if further
changes cause new errors, the failures are easily attributable.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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