[Python-3000] Type Comparisons with Godel Numbers

Bill Birch birchb at tpg.com.au
Sat Apr 22 14:00:42 CEST 2006

 > Guido van Rossum wrote:
 > If I have some utterly dynamic
 > code that comes up with a list of a million ints, and then I pass
 > that
 > as an argument to a function that requests the argument type is
 > list[int],
 > you wrap it in something that checks elements for intness
 > as you access them. [...]

Yes you are right. I see some sub-cases. If the value structure is immutable, 
then as it is constructed you could calculate the Godel strings bottom-up. 
Even this effectively doubles the work of the runtime since it has to 
calculate the value _and_ the type information. All this additional 
calculation just in case a type check might be needed. So not good.   And 
this is the best case.

If the data structure is mutable like list[int] then then attempting to keep 
the Godel strings up-to-date means re-calculating the entire string every 
time an element changes, again just in case a type check is needed.  

Last case, what about recursive types? Chances are an algorithm needs to keep 
track of nodes visited, further adding to the workload. 

The "Lingua Franca IDL" distributed system was happy to bear this runtime load 
because of the large-grained method calls over a network. 
(http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/27902.html) However within the same executable 
the costs will be too high.

So yes, this idea doesn't tackle the hard problem of the cost of run-time type 
checking of dynamic data. Is this intractable? 

I don't see how it can be lightened up unless 'nominal subtyping' aka 
'inheritance subtyping' is used. But that is not Pythonic since we want duck 
typing or 'structural subtyping'.  

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