[Python-3000] sets in P3K?

Greg Wilson gvwilson at cs.utoronto.ca
Tue Apr 25 18:50:06 CEST 2006

> > Greg Wilson <gvwilson at cs.utoronto.ca> wrote:
> > Do you have any data to back up these assertions?  Something like
> > http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2000-July/006427.html?

> Josiah Carlson:
> Assuming programmer sanity, how can naming the data type in the
> construction of the data type be ambiguous?  Or really, how could
> learning a name be more difficult than learning a syntax?

Greg Wilson:
Again, do we have any data --- however imperfectly gathered --- to back up
claims either way?  As I said in a previous post, I'm going to start
teaching a new bunch of never-seen-Python-before undergrads on May 15; if
there are proposals for new syntax (not just sets) that people want me to
try out on paper, I'd be happy to talk about it.


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