[Python-3000] sets in P3K?

Raymond Hettinger rhettinger at ewtllc.com
Wed Apr 26 03:11:01 CEST 2006

Aahz wrote:

>There are [at least] two separate issues being discussed here, and I
>think that's confusing things.  From my POV, the issue about whether
>listcomps per se go away in Python 3.0 is completely separate from the
>issue of whether sets get special literal syntax.
For the record, I favor keeping list comps for P3K. Those should be the 
only type specific form.  Everything else (including sets) should use:  

>My opinion: if we were designing Python from scratch right now, we might
>well consider having only set literals and not dict literals.  However,
>I don't think we can have both set and dict literals, and I think that
>removing dict literals (or list literals) counts as gratuitous breakage.
Rightly said.

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