[Python-3000] threading, part 2 --- + a bit of ctypes FFI worry

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 03:39:42 CEST 2006

[Tim Peters]
>> ...
>> When the ctypes docs talk about passing and returning integers, they
>> never explain what "integers" /means/, but it seems the docs
>> implicitly have a 32-bit-only view of the world here.  In reality
>> "integer" seems to mean the native C `int` type.

[Thomas Heller]
> 'ctypes.c_int' and 'ctypes.c_long' correspond to the C 'int' and 'long' types.

Sure, that's clear.  It's where the docs talk about (the unqualified)
"integers", and the quotes there aren't just to scare you ;-).  Like


near the end of section "Calling functions":

    Python integers, strings and unicode strings are the only objects that can
    directly be used as parameters in these function calls.

What does the word "integers" /mean/ there?

> If you think that the docs could be clearer, please suggest changes.

I can't, because I don't know what was intended.  Python integers come
in two flavors, `int` and `long`, so I assumed at first that the
"Python integers" in the above probably meant "a Python (short) int"
(which is a C `long`).  But writing the thread test using that
assumption failed on some 64-bit buildbots.  After staring at the
specific ways it failed, my next guess was that by "Python integers"
the docs don't really mean Python integers at all, but C's `int`.
That's what convinced me to /try/ wrapping the thread id in
ctypes.c_long(), and the test problems went away then, so I did too

I searched all the docs for the word "integers" and never found out
what was intended.  So you could search the docs for the same thing.
Like, still in the tutorial, at the start of section "Return types":

    By default functions are assumed to return integers.

Or in the reference docs:

    Note that all these functions are assumed to return integers,
which is of course
    not always the truth, so you have to assign the correct restype
attribute to use
    these functions.

and the description of memmove():

    memmove(dst, src, count)

    Same as the standard C memmove library function: copies count bytes from
    src to dst. dst and src must be integers or ...

Python has at least three meanings for the word "integer" (short,
long, & "either"), and C has at least 10 (signed & unsigned char,
short, int, long, & long long), so the unqualifed "integer" is highly
ambiguous.  While in many contexts that doesn't much matter, in ctypes
it does.

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