[Python-3000] Implementations: A syntax for extending method dispatching beyond type/class inheritance
Dave Anderson
python3000 at davious.org
Mon Dec 4 03:43:29 CET 2006
I'd like to augment one of the sections to my previous post...
was: An Implementation can be a combination of
Classes and Class Methods
I meant to say: An Implementation can be a combination of
Classes, Class Methods, and Other Implementations
An Implementation can be a combination of
Classes, Class Methods, and Other Implementations
A_B_C_like = Implementation(A, B, C.f, C.g)
class D:
implements A_B_C_like
def f(A_B_C_like_arg: A_B_C_like):
# will dispatch D instances
implementations can be composed of other implementations
A_B = Implemenation(A, B)
A_B_C_like = Implementation(A_B, C.f, C.g)
informal implementation lists are also allowed
class D1:
implements A, B, C.f, C.g
def f(A_B_C_like_arg: A, B, C.f, C.g):
# will dispatch D and D1 instances
multiple implementation declarations are also allowed
class D2:
implements A, B
implements C.f, C.g
def f(A_B_C_like_arg: A, B, C.f, C.g):
# will dispatch D, D1, and D2 instances
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