[Python-3000] Detecting conflicts in dict displays

Aaron Bingham bingham at cenix-bioscience.com
Fri Jul 14 16:03:28 CEST 2006

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

>Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>>Wouldn't the behavior of the above be undefined for the case where a ==
>>>b?  I'd much rather get an exception than undefined behavior.
>>There's nothing undefined in the language currently about {a: 1, b:
>>2}. It creates an empty dict d, and then does d[a] = 1; d[b] = 2. If a
>>and b are equal, you end up with {a: 2}.
>for the formal definition, see "dictionary displays" in the language reference:
>    The key/datum pairs are evaluated from left to right to define the
>    entries of the dictionary: each key object is used as a key into the
>    dictionary to store the corresponding datum. /.../
>    Clashes between duplicate keys are not detected; the last datum
>    (textually rightmost in the display) stored for a given key value pre-
>    vails.
>    ( http://pyref.infogami.com/dictionary-displays )
Thanks for the clarification.  That is reassuring.  Of course, this may 
not do what was intended under certain circumstances, but at least the 
behavior is well defined.


Aaron Bingham
Senior Software Engineer
Cenix BioScience GmbH

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