[Python-3000] iostack, continued

Giovanni Bajo rasky at develer.com
Wed Jun 7 02:31:07 CEST 2006

tomer filiba <tomerfiliba at gmail.com> wrote:

> the old thread was getting too nested, so i made a summary
> of the key points raised during that discussion:
> http://sebulba.wikispaces.com/project+iostack+todo
> is there anything else i missed? any more comments to add
> to the summary?

About this part: "properties raising IOError", I would like to remember that
Guido pronounced on The Way properties should be used in Py3k. It should be
already written as part of a PEP 3000+ (don't remember way). Part of the
pronouncement was that reading/writing properties should never have
side-effects. I guess this kills the argument on "position" being a property?

Giovanni Bajo

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