[Python-3000] PyGUI in Py3K stdlib, more details

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Tue May 2 14:05:29 CEST 2006

Giovanni Bajo wrote:

> > I can see the accessibility
> > argument, but it is basically asking for the ability to drive an
> > interface designed for use with a pointing device, without using a
> > pointing device.  I'm not sure this is a reasonable constraint.
> It is. Every GUI toolkit has this, every GUI program people use in the world
> have this feature.

Not every system goes about providing it the same way, though.
This business of putting & in front of letters is a Windows-ism
that Linux seems to have become infected with. MacOSX has a quite
different approach that doesn't require the application author to
do anything special at all -- it's a system feature there, not
an application feature.

I'll have to think further about what this means for PyGUI.

> No, it should be a standard component because it's used by almost any non-toy
> application, and it's mad to require that every application reinvent the wheel.

But it's not clear what a status bar would *do* other than
being a container for other components. Can you elaborate?

> Every serious GUI toolkit has a statusbar.

Cocoa doesn't. (It has something called an NSStatusBar,
but it doesn't do what what you're talking about.)


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