[Python-3000] back with more GUI planning in a few days...

Bill Janssen janssen at parc.com
Mon May 8 19:06:54 CEST 2006

> As to whether PyGUI or anything else of that nature should be in the standard 
> library, my feeling is that if it (PyGUI or anything else) cannot deliver the 
> desired functionality without leaving various kinds of users looking for 
> another toolkit at some level of ambition (eg. providing a file chooser or 
> print dialogue in their application), then we should leave such things out of 
> the standard library and spell out the options in a clear fashion, 
> acknowledging that more than one choice exists but the means of choosing one 
> is not some kind of magic ritual.

Much the same can be said about object type systems or databases, or
nearly every API in the standard library.

There's an old saying, "the best is the enemy of the good", which
tends to bedevil projects like these, and makes it hard to make
reasonable progress.  I'd suggest that we don't fall into that trap.


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