[Python-3000] GUI events

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Wed May 10 13:18:47 CEST 2006

On Wednesday, May 10, 2006, at 12:24PM, Giovanni Bajo <rasky at develer.com> wrote:

>> and then I find that
>> multiple-handler systems (e.g. gtk signals) tend
>> to hinder more than they help.
>Is there a production-ready GUI toolkit that *doesn't* have multiple handlers?

AFAIK Cocoa doesn't have multiple handlers. It does have cocoa bindings though, which allows you to do a lot of the things you mentioned without actually writing code. You can basically bind the value of a widget to a value of your model and updates on one side propagate to the other side.

This is a very convenient way to build applications, but would require some changes to CPython to work as seemlessly at it does in ObjC. PyObjC does support bindings, but cannot give full support for this with native python datastructures because there is no way to intercept all updates of list() and dict() instances.


P.S. http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CocoaBindings/CocoaBindings.html

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