[Python-3000] GUI -- an API, not a toolkit

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at uci.edu
Thu May 11 00:20:09 CEST 2006

"Giovanni Bajo" <rasky at develer.com> wrote:
> Show me a combo-box with selects among items with both text and a
> bitmap, done with wxPython, on all platforms.

How about I describe how one can make it happen?

There was a somewhat recent post in wxpython-users which offered a
reimplementation of wx.PopupWindow (previously not available on Mac). 
There was another post which overrode the various "show me the choices
command" for a wx.ComboBox (or wx.Choice, I can't remember, and they are
almost the same) to show in a wx.PopupWindow, a tree rather than a list.
It also offered a fairly simple method to replace that tree, list, etc.,
with an arbitrary control of the user's choosing.

By using a wx.ListCtrl, one can embed icons to the left of rows
arbitrarily.  Couple this "embed arbitrary controls for the wx.ComboBox",
and the "new wx.PopupWindow" implementation, and you have all of the
building blocks necessary.

Is that sufficient?

 - Josiah

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