[Python-3000] Math in Python 3.0

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sat May 13 17:35:37 CEST 2006

Fredrik Johansson wrote:
> Python's current numeric model has serious problems.

Some of us (including myself) probably need enlightenment first:
what are the serious problems specifically?

> It's fine for
> calculating with nothing but floats, or nothing but ints, but writing
> code that works for ints, floats, complexes *and* Decimals - let alone
> for custom types such as mpfs or numeric arrays - is nearly
> impossible. Duck typing doesn't work because these types all have
> different interfaces, despite being functionally (or conceptually)
> equivalent for many purposes.

Why do you say that? To me, it seems that these types have all
*precisely* the same operations: +, -, *, /.

> Generic functions would solve most of the problem. I don't see this
> example being brought up often (perhaps I've just missed those posts),
> but I do think improved support for custom numeric types is a very
> strong motivation for implementing generic functions in Python 3.0.

My guess is that it isn't brought up very often because very few
people have the problem you are talking about.


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