[Python-3000] Draft PEP for outer scopes

Ka-Ping Yee python at zesty.ca
Thu Nov 2 02:01:12 CET 2006

Guido wrote:
> My personal preference is still to abuse 'global' instead of adding a
> new, ugly keyword. That would make the syntax for global and nonlocal
> completely identical. :-) But I seem to be alone in this preference.

Brett wrote:
> Seeing Guido have a sad face is enough to force me to have an opinon.  I
> personally always viewed 'global' as "this variable is not local", so making
> it truly mean that works for me.

I'm convinced that "global variable" means top-level for most
programmers and so this usage would be confusing -- but i think we're
all just repeating what we've said before.

Would it help at all to survey some folks to see how many interpret
"global variable" to mean "top-level" vs. "anything nonlocal"?

-- ?!ng

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