[Python-3000] The meaning of "global variable"

Neil Toronto ntoronto at cs.byu.edu
Mon Nov 6 03:02:41 CET 2006

Greg Ewing wrote:

>Mike Krell wrote:
>> This is also why I advocate the spelling "use", because
>>ISTM "use x" pretty much means exactly what it says.
>I beg to differ -- it means nothing at all to
>me. At least "global" or "nonlocal" sound like
>they have *something* to do with scope, even
>if it's not clear exactly what.

And because it looks like the illegitimate child of a scabby old Pascal 
keyword, it'll make people look twice. I'm only being half facetious.

Another half-facetious (maybe quarter) argument in its favor is that, 
even though it's short(-ish), it's rare. Any future Google search for 
"python nonlocal" will find hundreds of relevant documents. Heck, the 
first seven hits for that *right now* are on subject.

This one's starting to grow on me... sort of like a cheese mold, but 
it's growing nonetheless.


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