[Python-3000] Builtin iterator type
Guido van Rossum
guido at python.org
Tue Nov 14 02:45:11 CET 2006
As my final word, I think this is a seriously bad idea, and as you're
not answering my challenge about duck typing I don't think you
understand your own proposal.
On 11/13/06, George Sakkis <george.sakkis at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11/13/06, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> > [Adding back python-3000 -- I'm not going to have private conversations]
> Sorry, I accidentally hit reply instead of reply-all; I realized it a
> minute later and I sent a cc to the list but it hasn't appeared yet..
> strange.
> > On 11/13/06, George Sakkis <gsakkis at rutgers.edu> wrote:
> > > On 11/13/06, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hm. Without knowing much of the background, this appears to be a
> > > > worrysome trend away from duck typing. Why would I have to inherit
> > > > from a standard class just so that I can implement next()? What's the
> > > > advantage of the proposed change?
> > >
> > > Duck typing will still apply of course; an object that just implements
> > > next() without inheriting from iter will continue to be iterable. The
> > > advantage is the iterator methods and syntax sugar you get for free,
> > > instead of importing them explicitly from itertools (I've noticed that
> > > most of my modules lately start with a variation of "import sys,
> > > itertools as it").
> >
> > Well, if you move the itertools functions to the base class, without
> > inheriting from that base class you'd lose the itertools
> > functionality. (Although many itertools functions take multiple
> > generator arguments so I'm not sure how e.g. imap or izip can become
> > methods without losing functionality.)
> It's actually straightforward; see below.
> > > 2. Augment this type with operators to implement operations currently
> > > done explicitly by itertools.*.
> >
> > Please go over all of the itertools functions and show how they can be
> > reimplemented as methods. I think you'll find most of them don't work
> > this way.
> There are currently 14 itertools functions; from those, only 2 don't
> take an iterable argument, count() and repeat(). The rest can be
> trivially rephrased as methods. Below is the updated iter class
> (renamed to Iter for backwards compatibility). I didn't add imap,
> ifilter, ifilterfalse and starmap as I think these should be
> deprecated in favor of gencomps. Instead I added enumerate and
> reversed, as I don't see why these are builtins and not itertools in
> the first place.
> from itertools import *
> class Iter(object):
> def __init__(self, iterable): self._it = iter(iterable)
> def next(self): return self._it.next()
> def __iter__(self): return self
> def __add__(self, other): return Iter(chain(self._it, other))
> def __radd__(self,other): return Iter(chain(other, self._it))
> def __mul__(self, num): return Iter(chain(*tee(self._it,num)))
> __rmul__ = __mul__
> def __getitem__(self, index):
> if isinstance(index, int):
> try: return islice(self._it, index, index+1).next()
> except StopIteration:
> raise IndexError('Index %d out of range' % index)
> else:
> start,stop,step = index.start, index.stop, index.step
> if start is None: start = 0
> if step is None: step = 1
> return Iter(islice(self._it, start, stop, step))
> def cycle(self): return Iter(cycle(self._it))
> def takewhile(self, predicate): return Iter(takewhile(predicate, self._it))
> def dropwhile(self, predicate): return Iter(dropwhile(predicate, self._it))
> def groupby(self, keyfunc=None): return Iter(groupby(self._it, keyfunc))
> def zip(self, *others): return Iter(izip(self._it, *others))
> def enumerate(self): return Iter(enumerate(self._it))
> def reversed(self): return Iter(reversed(self._it))
> def copy(self):
> self._it, new = tee(self._it)
> return Iter(new)
> Unit tests omitted for brevity.
> George
--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)
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