[Python-3000] A plea for anonymous functions

Talin talin at acm.org
Fri Nov 17 21:34:54 CET 2006

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Talin wrote:
>> I expect to see a series of special-case syntactical work-arounds that 
>> compensate for the lack of such a feature.
> yeah, because the "special-case syntactical work-arounds" are care-
> fully designed to be *usable* for a well-defined group of *practical* 
> problems.  it's about HCI, not CS.
> please get over this "all I have is a hammer that my CS teacher told
> me to use" mode of thinking; we're designing for humans, not wannabe 
> language designers who believe in "the one true mechanism".  there are 
> plenty of other reli^h^h^h^hlanguages for that kind of thinking.

I don't think that anyone has really answered my fundamental question 
yet, which is this: Python is my favorite language, but I use a lot of 
other languages as well, and there's one feature that I use a lot in 
those other languages which I miss not having in Python. How is it that 
people are so hostile to something that I, and apparently others, find 
so useful?

-- Talin

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