[Python-3000] Abilities / Interfaces

Mike Orr sluggoster at gmail.com
Tue Nov 21 22:37:57 CET 2006

On 11/21/06, Robert Brewer <fumanchu at amor.org> wrote:
> If we have to have interfaces, I think we'd be far better off
> implementing the spec as-is first, and worry about changing the spec
> later (even if if only seems to be an "implied spec" at the moment).

Well, except that we have a lot of real-world experience since the
spec was written.  I'm not opposed to doing it this way, I'm just
afraid the first will happen and the second won't, and then the
argument will be, "We can't do it because it's against the spec."
We're doing something new here; we're adding something to Python, not
taking anything away.  So this is a perfect time to ponder whether the
spec was optimal in all its details; e.g., whether requiring all
mappings to have a length is necessary or desirable.  The real
question is, who will be using these interfaces, what groups of
capabilities will they most likely be looking for, and are these
adequately addressed in the spec?

Mike Orr <sluggoster at gmail.com>

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