[Python-3000] Abilities / Interfaces

Baptiste Carvello baptiste13 at altern.org
Thu Nov 23 00:15:18 CET 2006

Bill Janssen a écrit :
> I see nothing wrong with defining "empty" ABCs to indicate abilities
> rather than interfaces.
>    class WellTested (Ability):
>      """Indicates that the type has passed the QA process"""
>      pass
>    class TestedNumber (Number, WellTested):
>      ...
And then if people want to add some tests to check if TestedNumber really 
implements the Ability, they can do it using docstring syntax.

class WellTested (Ability):
   """Indicates that the type has passed the QA process

   >>> myinstance=get_test_object()
   >>> hasattr(myinstance, 'attribute')
   >>> myinstance.method(1,2)


class TestedNumber (Number, WellTested):

check_ability(TestedNumber, WellTested)

The check_ability function would just call the doctest with the appropriate test 
object (here a TestedNumber instance).


- mixin class has no behavior, hence no multiple inheritance problems

- doctest syntax allows to describe complex semantic properties without 
reinventing an ad-hoc language like Zope interfaces do

- could be done already in python 2.X


- we need another mechanism for tagging instances. Perhaps a WeakKeyDictionary 
mapping the instances to their added abilities can do.


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