[Python-3000] Special methods and interface-based type system

George Sakkis gsakkis at rutgers.edu
Thu Nov 23 04:29:15 CET 2006

On 11/22/06, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> On 11/22/06, George Sakkis <gsakkis at rutgers.edu> wrote:
> > Although I don't necessarily agree with the arguments from a puristic
> > point of view ("then why not make keys(), values(), items(), read(),
> > write(), ... builtin GFs ?"), they are indeed a better answer to the
> > FAQ entry. After all, HCI-based arguments are usually a fancier way of
> > saying "it's a matter of taste" and arguing against them is like
> > arguing that green is a better colour than red.
> I'm so glad you're not trying to hide that you're a troll.

I see how my reply could be misinterpreted as sarcastic but that was
not at all my intention. If I were a troll,that would be pretty
obvious after three years in c.l.py. I've supported the vast majority
of language changes since 2.2-2.3 that I first met Python (even
controversial ones such as decorators and conditional expressions) as
well as pretty much all goals listed in PEP 3100. Still, we don't have
to agree on everything, do we ? After all, what I said essentially was
that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That hardly justifies the
troll labeling.


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