[Python-3000] optional argument annotations

Tony Lownds tony at pagedna.com
Sun Nov 26 23:14:25 CET 2006

On Nov 26, 2006, at 1:10 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:

> On 11/24/06, Tony Lownds <tony at pagedna.com> wrote:
> > Obviously signature objects would grow support for annotations,  
> but I
> > still need the information to be carried on the code object to
> > incorporate into signature objects.
> >
> Signature objects still need a way to know the nested parameters,  
> right?
> They already handle them.

I see, through the bytecode inspection that inspect.py does.

> How about a co_argnames attribute? eg for
> def f((x, y), z): pass
> f.func_code.co_argnames would be (('x', 'y'), 'z')
> That's fine, but the compiler would need to change if it were to  
> use this.  Plus I am still hoping to make nested parameters  
> disappear in Py3K (I won't be pushing for it any sooner than PyCon,  
> though).

Yes, it is the compiler that would implement this. I have it  
implemented as follows.

 >>> def f(a, (b, c), d=1, *e, f, g=1, **h): pass
 >>> f.func_code.co_argnames
('a', ('b', 'c'), 'd', '*e', 'f', 'g', '**h')

However since inspect.py doesn't need this and neither does my code,  
I'll drop it.

> I need to implement something like this to properly build
> func_annotations
> I don't quite follow.  Don't you already have support in  
> MAKE_FUNCTION when the object is created?

The support available is the code object and anything pushed onto the  
stack. Just looking at the code object,
the information is simply not available outside of reverse- 
engineering co_code (as inspect does).
I ended up pushing a tuple of argument names onto the stack.

eg, for

def f((x:1, y))->3: pass

the bytecode is...

   1           0 LOAD_CONST               0 (1)
               3 LOAD_CONST               1 (3)
               6 LOAD_CONST               2 (('x', 'return'))
               9 LOAD_CONST               3 (<code object f at  
0xb7ecd848, file "<str>", line 1>)
              12 EXTENDED_ARG             3
              15 MAKE_FUNCTION        196608
              18 STORE_NAME               0 (f)
              21 LOAD_CONST               4 (None)
              24 RETURN_VALUE

(the argument is so big because I need to pass the # of annotations  
in the argument of MAKE_FUNCTION so
that the stack effect can be easily calculated)

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