[Python-3000] Cheeseshop

Talin talin at acm.org
Tue Oct 17 08:12:44 CEST 2006

Greg Ewing wrote:
> Anyone have any other ideas? I've been trying to
> make something out of SPAM -- Superlative Python
> Archive of Modules?

Good luck getting that one through people's email filters :)

Cheeseshop may be overly cute, however it has at least this mnemonic 
benefit is that it suggests a "shop", in other words a place where you 
can browse through various products and select which ones you want. And 
its just silly enough that people won't think that its a real shop where 
you have to pay money for things.

At some point we're going to run out of all the really well-known Monty 
Python sketches, at which point people will either come to their senses, 
or we are going to see abominations like open source projects named 
"dead bishop" or something.

My own preference for naming is more along the lines of finding 
*exactly* the right word, based on the observation that there are a lot 
of programmers out there who are sloppy with their use of language, and 
will often use a word that "sort of" means what they are trying to say. 
This ties in with my interest in Thesaurii and other word tools.

-- Talin

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